Recap meaning的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列懶人包和總整理

Recap meaning的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦AlanFiol寫的 Way Ahead:The Art of Reading for English Language Learners 和Bibard, Frederic的 365 Days of French Expressions都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Recap - What Is a Recap? Definition, Types, Uses也說明:A recap, or recapitulation, is a comprehensive and concise summary. This is a tool for recapping, reminding, repeating, and wrapping up a discussion. Recap is ...

這兩本書分別來自文鶴出版 和所出版 。

國立中央大學 資訊工程學系在職專班 蔡宗翰所指導 呂昕恩的 基於台語與華語之語碼混合資料集與翻譯模型 (2021),提出Recap meaning關鍵因素是什麼,來自於語碼混合、機器翻譯、損失函數重構、低資源語言。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣師範大學 英語學系 詹曉蕙、齊莉莎所指導 理克的 語言、大腦與時間的相遇:漢語的觀點 (2021),提出因為有 漢語、構詞句法學、時間觀念、時貌、神經語言學、事件相關電位、類型神經語言學的重點而找出了 Recap meaning的解答。

最後網站Good or Bad? What's a Recap and Why Should I Care?則補充:By: Len Russek Definition: A Recapitalization or Recap is a financing technique used typically by private equity investors to invest in ...


除了Recap meaning,大家也想知道這些:

Way Ahead:The Art of Reading for English Language Learners

為了解決Recap meaning的問題,作者AlanFiol 這樣論述:

  Way Ahead一書是以文學為基礎的閱讀課程,專門設計來提供給高中生和大學生學習英語。本書的每一章節都有兩篇閱讀文章:第一篇是經典文學的選讀;第二篇則是以文章寫作的形式,針對本章主題來進行新時代的討論。   除了閱讀文章之外,本書還提供了豐富的內容,包括針對節選文學作品的討論、文法提示和練習題。詞彙的學習及衍伸是本書的主要成分,書中提供了詞彙的定義、範例和字句改寫或釋義,以期讓讀者得到充分的學習和理解。   對於授課老師而言,本書具備多項學習技能,Way Ahead絕對是最佳選擇。閱讀能力雖然是本書的重點,但學生也可以從當中發展出寫作技巧,並進行對話練習。 本書

特色   o全書共有15章,涵蓋的範圍可概分為五個主題:旅行、科技、社會、音樂與藝術,全球議題等。   o豐富的詞彙和練習題,全書各章節使用了700多個詞彙。   o各章節所使用的主要詞彙約略符合CEFR水平之情況(大約百分比):A1-A2(28%)、B1-B2(46%)、C1-C2(26%)   o每章各有兩篇內容豐富且具啟發性的閱讀文章。   o每章各有五十個練習題,包括詞彙練習、閱讀理解測驗和反省思考問題。   CEFR程度: B1~B2+   Way Ahead is a literature-based reading course designed for the advan

ced high school and college/university English language student. Used as a full-year English course textbook, this book will build the students' reading skills through guided readings and exercises. The carefully selected reading topics, along with ample writing, grammar and conversation practice, m

ake this book an excellent choice for the teacher looking for a multi-skills textbook for the reading-focus class. Used by the student for self-study, each chapter in Way Ahead is easy to follow from section to section. The readings, discussions and vocabulary presentations are written in a non-tech

nical and accessible style, while also providing the curious learner a path for further investigation and study.   The first reading in each chapter is followed by a discussion of selected literary devices. The student will learn how to recognize the devices and how an understanding of these device

s will aid in reading comprehension. The main vocabulary section occupies the center of each chapter and prepares the student for the second reading. Several grammar points are also presented which relate to both readings.   The approach of Way Ahead is highly integrated. A central theme of the lit

erature selection of each chapter's Reading 1 is further explored in Reading 2. Also, examples of literary devices used in the literature selections are explained and discussed. Further, all the grammar tips are supported by clear examples from the readings.   The approach is also versatile. The te

acher, or the self-study student, can opt to focus on certain chapter elements while leaving out others. For example, he or she may teach only one or two grammar tips per chapter. Similarly, some devices might warrant more study time than others, depending on the nature of the course and the needs o

f the students. In other words, this book is useful for a variety of learning situations and can serve both the English major as well as the general English language student.   This book features:   o    Fifteen chapters on a variety of topics grouped into five unit: Travel, Science & Technolog

y, Society, Music & Art, Global Issues   o    An abundance of vocabulary presented with exercises for practice, with over 700 words and expressions from the chapter readings   o    CEFR levels of the words in the chapters' main vocabulary section (approximate percentages): A1-A2(28%), B1-B2(46%)

, C1-C2(26%)   o    Two Informative and inspiring readings per chapter:   o    Reading 1: a presentation and discussion of an excerpt from a literary classic   o    Reading 2: an up-to-date discussion of the chapter's topic in essay format   o    Fifty exercise questions per chapter divided into sev

en sections:   o    Getting to Know Devices   o    Reading 1 Comprehension   o    Practice the Vocabulary (conversation practice)   o    Reading 2 Comprehension   o    Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises   o    More Vocabulary Practice   o    Grammar Practice   o    Recap and Assimilation: Short answer

questions, vocabulary sentence practice and two optional essay questions   CEFR correlation: B1~B2+  


為了解決Recap meaning的問題,作者呂昕恩 這樣論述:

台語與中文語碼混合在台灣是一個常見的口語現象,然而台灣遲至 21 世紀才開始建立官方書寫系統。缺少官方書寫系統,不僅代表著我們在 NLP 領域面臨資源不足的問題,導致我們在方言代碼混合任務上難以取得突破性研究,更意味著我們面臨著語言傳承的困難。基於上述問題,本研究將從簡要介紹台語的歷史以及台灣語碼混合現象著手,討論台灣語碼混合的語言比例組成與文法結構,建立基於台文字的台語語華語之語碼混合資料集,並介紹可應用於台文的現有斷詞工具。同時我們將在本研究介紹台語語言模型的訓練方法,同時使用我們提出的資料集,利用 XLM 開發台語語碼混合翻譯模型。為適用於語碼混合的情境,我們提出自動化語言標注(DLI

)機制,並使用遷移學習提升翻譯模型表現。最後我們根據交叉熵(Cross-entropy, CE)的問題,提出三種利用詞彙詞相似度來重構損失函數。我們提出 WBI 機制,解決詞彙資訊與字符集預訓練模型不相容的問題,並引入 WordNet 知識在模型中。與標準 CE 相比,在單語和語碼混資料集的實驗結果表明,我們的最佳損失函數在單語和 CM 在 BLEU 上,分別進步 2.42分(62.11 到 64.53)和 0.7(62.86 到 63.56)分。我們的實驗證明即使是使用基於字符訓練的語言模型,我們可以將辭彙的資訊攜帶到下游任務中。

365 Days of French Expressions

為了解決Recap meaning的問題,作者Bibard, Frederic 這樣論述:

Your daily dose of French expressions Add flair to your French conversations by learning one French expression every day for 365 days. Covering a wide range of figurative expressions and colloquial phrases, learn to understand the meanings as well as their literal translations. A perfect tool to enh

ance your study, no matter what level you are currently at. Fun and insightful This short book gives you a clear grasp of the French culture and mind-set in a thoroughly entertaining way. Learn phrases and expressions you'll never find in language courses and traditional books. French Expression Met

tre du beurre dans les pinards Meaning To improve your financial situation Literal translation: Put butter in the spinach Example: Il pense que je travaille pour mettre du beurre dans les pinards. - He thinks I took this job to help out our finances. Build a learning habit that sticks This Ebook

is designed for you to learn one new expression every day of the year. You can finish this e-book in one sitting if you like, but following the one expression per day suggestion could help you create an enduring daily habit which can prove more beneficial. Pronounce each expression perfectly: You

can download the MP3 for the French expression. 52 MP3 tracks (+30 minutes of Audio) Weekly recap and quiz included At the end of each chapter, you will find a recap and quiz to help you remember what you have learned in the past week. Memorizing French idioms and expressions has never been so easy

and fun Technical details: 365 French expressions, idioms translated in English and literal meaningsExamplesWeekly quizzes and vocabulary recapMP3 for the French expressionDownload this book and start improving your French today Frédéric Bibard is the founder of, a French langua

ge and culture website named as the #1 language blog in the 2016 Best Language Learning Blogs by and Lexiophiles. He spent several years teaching French while traveling abroad and has since moved back to Paris to dedicate his time TO developing fun and helpful French language resources. He t

akes food seriously (he is French after all), but he complements it with a love of running which allows him to nurture his passion for good food while staying in shape. Say hello to him on Twitter (@fredericbibard) and Google+ or visit his website


為了解決Recap meaning的問題,作者理克 這樣論述:

時間被視為人類認知中至關重要的概念,時間標記則因語言而異。不過,大腦處理時間標記仍然不清楚。現今絕大多數的相關研究皆是針對印歐語系語言中的「時態」(tense)標記。本論文將要探討漢語中的「了」及「過」兩個「時貌」(grammatical aspect)標記和過去時間的關係,以及大腦如何處理「了」及「過」之時間標記。首先,本論文針對漢語中存在已久的「了」及「過」是否具有「時態」成分之辯論提供反證,並且主張「了」及「過」被用於表示過去時間是因為其時貌特徵。本論文將兩者時貌特徵與表示過去時間的關係分析成對應到不同語法的意義、功能:「了」對應到「時間先後關係」的認知功能,而「過」對應到「時間定位」

的認知功能。接著,本論文透過三個採用事件相關電位(event-related potential,稱ERP)技術的實驗測試/探討以上的分析。相關結果顯現了兩種質變上不同的效果進而支持上述分析:「了」在時間標記上的大腦處理誘發前腦及早期之負極性波幅(early frontal negativity),而「過」則是誘發晚期之正極性波幅(P600),此外,「了」及「過」在時間標記上的大腦處理方式與「了」及「過」在時貌上(非時間上)不同。最後,為使以上兩種大腦處理方式有廣義的且跨語言的功能解釋,本論文將漢語的時貌標記在時間上的大腦處理與印歐語系的時態標記在時間上的大腦處理方式做相互對比:前腦及早期之負

極性波幅(early frontal negativity)被視為反映「時間先後關係」的認知功能,晚期之正極性波幅(P600) 被視為反映「時間定位」的認知功能。總而言之,本論文採用以上分析及證據提供大腦如何處理時間標記之類型神經語言學模式。