Statistica的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列懶人包和總整理

Statistica的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦寫的 Statistical Learning and Modeling in Data Analysis: Methods and Applications 和呂岡玶,楊佑傑的 初級統計學:解開生活中的數字密碼(修訂二版)都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Statistica Sinica 最新影響指數- 實時趨勢預測& 期刊影響力排名也說明:Statistica Sinica2020-2021最新影響指數是1.261。查看更多期刊影響力排名、趨勢分析、實時預測!

這兩本書分別來自 和三民所出版 。

國立政治大學 風險管理與保險學系 張士傑所指導 宣葳的 資產負債管理之研究分析 (2021),提出Statistica關鍵因素是什麼,來自於利率變動型壽險、隨機變動模型、蒙地卡羅模擬、國際板債券、變額年金、copula-GARCH。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣科技大學 工業管理系 喻奉天、郭伯勳所指導 Winy Fara Nadira的 具有時間窗和自送選項的多場站垃圾收集車路線問題 (2021),提出因為有 waste management、waste collection routing problem、waste bank、simulated annealing、delivery option的重點而找出了 Statistica的解答。

最後網站statistica_搜狗百科則補充:STATISTICA 是一个整合数据分析、图表绘制、数据库管理与自订应用发展系统环境的专业软件。 STATISTICA 不仅提供使用者统计、绘图与数据管理程序等一般目的的需求,更 ...



Statistical Learning and Modeling in Data Analysis: Methods and Applications

為了解決Statistica的問題,作者 這樣論述:

Simona Balzano is an Assistant Professor of Statistics at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy, where she teaches on data analysis and research methods in management. Her recent research activities concern multivariate analysis, partial least squares regression and path-modeling, and

structural equation modeling. Her interests include applications in performance analysis, consumer analysis, and other related fields of business and industry.Giovanni C. Porzio is a Professor of Statistics at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy, where he has previously served as Dep

artment Head and Director of Graduate Studies in Economics. His research interests include directional statistics, statistical learning, nonparametric multivariate analysis and data depth, graphical methods and data visualization. His research work has appeared in several journals and books.Renato S

alvatore is an Assistant Professor of Economic Statistics at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy. He has co-authored papers, book chapters, and proceedings on sampling surveys, small area estimation, and multivariate analysis. In addition, he has been co-editor of several conference

proceedings, and currently teaches on economic statistics and market analysis.Domenico Vistocco is an Associate Professor of Statistics at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy. He is an Associate Editor of Computational Statistics and Editorial Manager of Statistica Applicata - Italian Journa

l of Applied Statistics. He has co-authored two books on quantile regression and ca. 100 papers, book chapters, proceedings, post-proceedings and editorials on various statistical topics. He teaches on statistical inference, data analysis, applied statistics and statistical programming. His research

interests include quantile regression, computational statistics, statistical models, exploratory data analysis and visualization.Maurizio Vichi is a Professor of Statistics and Chair of the Department of Statistical Sciences at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. He is also Coordinating Editor of t

he international journal Advances in Data Analysis and Classification and Acting Chair of the European Statistical Advisory Committee of the EU. He teaches on multivariate statistics and data analysis and statistical modeling. His research interests include statistical models for clustering, classif

ication, dimensionality reduction, composite indicators, PLS, SEM and new methods for official statistics based on smart statistics and big data analysis. He is the author of more than 150 papers, mainly published in peer-reviewed international statistics journals.



為了解決Statistica的問題,作者宣葳 這樣論述:

本研究由三篇關於保險業資產負債管理議題的論文所構成。本文第二章檢視在台灣地區銷售之典型利率變動型壽險之公平定價問題。假設資產過程滿足Heston隨機變動模型、利率過程為CIR 模型,保險給付將為一系列遠期起點期權之總和。本文就台灣財務市場之資料進行模型參數估計,再利用蒙地卡羅法計算契約公平價格,同時計算風險值(VaR, ES)。本文第三章闡述國際板債券評價系統的實作細節。台灣保險業總資產近兩成之國際板債券在IFRS-9 會計準則下非為純債務工具,必須以公允價值衡量。在此我們敘述以美國固定期限公債收益率或美元LIBOR及ICE利率交換率校正的利率期限結構,配合芝加哥期貨交易所的歐式利率交換選擇

權隱含波動度資料估計Hull-White 短期利率模型之評價理論細節,並使用開放原始碼程式語言Python 與函式庫QuantLib 及三元樹演算法實作國際板債券評價系統。除與櫃買中心系統價格輸出結果相比較外,我們展示本系統在給定利率期限結構與市場現有商品規格下可贖回債券期初價值與隱含年利率、不可贖回期間與可贖回頻率關係之計算。本文第四章探討copula-GARCH 模型在變額年金保證價值計算上的應用。有效的風險管理前提在於推估各種資產間的機率關係,並計算反映系統狀態的各種定量指標的能力。現代計算技術的進步使得更符合實際、不須過份簡化的多變量機率模型運用變為可能,而copula 正是如此的多變

量機率模型。結合GARCH 時間序列模型,我們利用一系列基於無母數統計與經驗過程理論的穩健統計檢定方法,針對給定S&P500 與S&P600 指數時間序列選擇並匹配最適copula-GARCH 模型,進而推估變額年金保證價值。


為了解決Statistica的問題,作者呂岡玶,楊佑傑 這樣論述:

  生活化   以生活案例切入,避開艱澀難懂的公式和符號,利用簡單的運算推導統計概念,最適合對數學不甚拿手的讀者。   直覺化   以直覺且淺顯的文字介紹統計的觀念,再佐以實際例子說明,初學者也能輕鬆理解,讓統計不再是通通忘記!   應用化   以應用的觀點出發,讓讀者瞭解統計其實是生活上最實用的工具,可以幫助我們解決很多周遭的問題。統計在社會科學、生物、醫學、農業等自然科學,還有工程科學及經濟、財務等商業上都有廣泛的應用。


為了解決Statistica的問題,作者Winy Fara Nadira 這樣論述:

Almost every activity that human do generates waste. To reduce the waste that keeps increasing due to the change of public consumption and lifestyle, a better waste management is needed. Poor waste management lead to health and environment problems, as well as climate change. As a pioneer of commun

ity-based establishment that aims to reduce the amount of recyclable house called Waste Bank Program, the performance of waste bank in Yogyakarta city is still underutilized. To increase community participation in depositing their waste to the waste bank, additional home pick-up service believed to

increase community participation in depositing their waste to a waste bank. As the result, a routing plan to visit and collect the resident’s waste is needed.In this research, we introduced a new extension of VRP called Multi-Depot Waste Collection Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window and Self D

elivery Option (MDWCVRPTW-SDO) to address the problem. There are three types of residents considered in this research, i.e. residents who ask for pick-up service to deposit their waste, residents who drop-off their waste by themselves, and residents who are flexible in terms of two aforementioned me

thods. A simulated annealing (SA) heuristic is developed in this research to solve the MDWCVRPTW-SDO instances and compare the result with the best-known solution from the previous research. The result shows that the algorithm shows its robustness in terms of solution quality. Sensitivity analysis a

lso conducted in this research where the result shows that the selection of the appropriate compensation policy needs to be carefully thought out since it significantly affects the operational cost of MDWCVRPTW-SDO.