scrum master的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列懶人包和總整理

scrum master的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦RobertC.Martin寫的 無瑕的程式碼 敏捷篇:還原敏捷真實的面貌 和的 Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Applications: Social, Economic and Technological Implications都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Scrum Master Jobs, Employment | Indeed.com也說明:2907 Scrum Master jobs available on Apply to Product Owner and more!

這兩本書分別來自博碩 和所出版 。

國立雲林科技大學 會計系 孫嘉明所指導 鍾孟軒的 應用敏捷方法進行機器流程自動化導入之行動研究—以中型會計師事務所為例 (2021),提出scrum master關鍵因素是什麼,來自於數位轉型、數位工具、機器流程自動化、中型會計師事務所、敏捷開發。

而第二篇論文國立中正大學 會計與資訊碩士在職專班 阮金聲所指導 劉朝宜的 敏捷式開發影響績效之研究 (2020),提出因為有 敏捷軟體開發、任務達成績效、Scrum、人員特徵、人格特質、任務複雜度的重點而找出了 scrum master的解答。

最後網站CERTIFIED SCRUM MASTER (CSM)-P200609QZH - NTUC ...則補充:CERTIFIED SCRUM MASTER (CSM)-P200609QZH · After completing the course with 100% attendance achieved, students will receive an exam voucher via email within 2 ...


除了scrum master,大家也想知道這些:

無瑕的程式碼 敏捷篇:還原敏捷真實的面貌

為了解決scrum master的問題,作者RobertC.Martin 這樣論述:

  [名家名著] 000     做得好、做得對,才能做得快!   是時候該回歸正宗的敏捷了!   Uncle Bob帶領讀者進入時光隧道檢視永不褪色的敏捷初心   搞笑談軟工Teddy Chen專文推薦     獻給新世代的敏捷價值和原則     《敏捷宣言》發表近二十年後,世界級軟體開發傳奇大師Robert C. Martin(Uncle Bob)再次執筆,為新世代軟體從業人員重新講述敏捷的價值觀與原則,無論你是程式設計師或非程式設計師,都能從本書中得到啟發和反思。Uncle Bob著有《無瑕的程式碼》等極具影響力的軟體開發書籍,他也是敏捷最初的發起人之一。如今,在《無瑕的程式碼 敏捷

篇:還原敏捷真實的面貌》這本書中,他將澄清多年來人們對敏捷的誤用和誤解,重述敏捷的初心與願景。     Uncle Bob清楚說明了敏捷的本質:它是一個小小的紀律,協助小型的軟體團隊管理小型的專案……但它卻為整個產業帶來了巨大的影響,因為所有的大型專案都是由許多個小型專案組成的。他將細數自己五十年來的所見所聞及親身經歷,透過平易近人的文字還原敏捷的真實樣貌,並解讀敏捷如何協助軟體從業人員提升整體的專業水準。     你將從本書學會:   ✦還原敏捷真實的面貌:敏捷的過去、現狀,以及它永遠的堅持   ✦理解Scrum的起源,以及正確的實踐   ✦精通敏捷業務實踐的精髓,從小型發布到驗收測試,再到

完整團隊的溝通   ✦探索敏捷團隊成員之間的關係,以及他們與產品之間的關係   ✦重現不可或缺的敏捷技術實踐:TDD、重構、簡潔設計和結對程式設計   ✦理解敏捷價值與軟體工藝的重要性地位,以及它們如何讓敏捷團隊邁向成功   ✦來自Jerry Fitzpatrick、Tim Ottinger、Jeff Langr、Eric Crichlow、Damon Poole及Sandro Mancuso的專家級分享     如果你想要獲得敏捷的真正好處,你沒有任何捷徑可走:你必須把敏捷做「對」。無論你是開發人員、測試人員、專案經理或客戶,《無瑕的程式碼 敏捷篇:還原敏捷真實的面貌》都會告訴你如何把敏捷做

「好」。   Clean Agile 的名人讚譽     在讓一切成為敏捷的旅途中,Uncle Bob 老早就熟門熟路,不管什麼好的壞的都經歷過。在這本讀來愉悅的書中,有一部分是歷史,有一部分是個人的故事,整本書都是智慧的累積。如果你想了解敏捷是什麼,以及它是如何形成今日的敏捷,你一定要閱讀這本書。——Grady Booch     Uncle Bob 在書中的每一句話都塗上失望的色彩,但這完全是合情合理的。敏捷開發世界的現況,遠遠比不上它應該達到的模樣。Uncle Bob 在本書中分享了他的觀點,只要聚焦在某些事項上就能夠還原敏捷應該呈現的面貌。他是這方面的過來人,所以他的想法值得我們傾聽。

——Kent Beck     閱讀Uncle Bob 對敏捷的看法是一件很享受的事。無論是初學者,或是經驗豐富的敏捷實踐者,你都應該閱讀本書。我幾乎同意書中的所有內容。只是有些地方會讓我意識到自己的缺點,真氣人。它讓我再次細心檢查我的程式碼覆蓋率(85.09%)。——Jon Kern     本書提供了一個歷史的回顧鏡頭,讓我們可以更全面、更準確地檢視敏捷開發。Uncle Bob 是我見過最聰明的人之一,他對程式設計有無限的熱情。如果有人能夠揭開敏捷開發的神秘面紗,那就是他了。——摘自Jerry Fitzpatrick 所寫的前言(Foreword)     本書重新提醒我們:「需要寫程式的

敏捷到底是什麼!」——搞笑談軟工Teddy Chen專文推薦     這是一本真正告訴你,什麼是「真正的敏捷」的書籍。由《敏捷宣言》參與者之一的Bob 大叔來告訴你,最純粹的「敏捷」是什麼?他們當年認為的「敏捷」真義是什麼?   《敏捷宣言》至今約二十年,在這期間,有許多打著敏捷旗號的人們做的並非敏捷的事,甚至還有某些技術號稱是敏捷的一種,但卻根本違反了「敏捷」的真義。這使得本書作者不得不出版本書,以正視聽。——博碩文化總編輯 陳錦輝

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為了解決scrum master的問題,作者鍾孟軒 這樣論述:

機器流程自動化(robotic process automation)的導入及應用已是大型會計師事務所致力推動之方向,其對於組織之效益除了增加作業效率、降低相關變動成本外,更能針對產出品質加以改善,進而提升整體組織之產業競爭力。然國內之中小型會計師事務所,投入資源較為不足,其作業資訊化程度也容易受限。因此,本研究採用行動研究法,並應用敏捷開發之Scrum開發模式,針對屬於中型會計師事務所之個案組織進行RPA之導入,研究其在導入RPA之過程中所遭遇之問題及其因應做法外,並探討在敏捷開發之模式下,對於RPA之導入有何影響。研究發現部分,主要針對上述研究目的於個案分析後,提出以下建議:一、事務所可


Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Applications: Social, Economic and Technological Implications

為了解決scrum master的問題,作者 這樣論述:

Dr. Bharat Bhushan is an Assistant Professor of Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University, Greater Noida, India. He received his Undergraduate Degree (B-Tech in Computer Science and Engineering) with Distinction in 2012, received

his Postgraduate Degree (M-Tech in Information Security) with Distinction in 2015 and Doctorate Degree (PhD Computer Science and Engineering) in 2021 from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India. He earned numerous international certifications such as CCNA, MCTS, MCITP, RHCE and CCNP. He has Pub

lished more than 80 research papers in various renowned International conferences and SCI indexed journals. He has contributed with more than 40 book chapters in various books and has edited 11 books from the most famed publishers like Elsevier, IGI Global, and CRC Press. He has served as Keynote Sp

eaker (resource person) numerous reputed international conferences held in different countries including India, Morocco, China, Belgium, Iraq and Bangladesh. In the past, he worked as an assistant professor at HMR Institute of Technology and Management, New Delhi and Network Engineer in HCL Infosyst

ems Ltd., Noida. He is also a member of numerous renowned bodies including IEEE, IAENG, CSTA, SCIEI, IAE and UACEE.Prof. (Dr.) Nitin Rakesh is Head of Computer Science & Engineering Department for B.Tech/M.Tech (CSE/IT), B.Tech CSE-IBM Specializations, B.Tech CSE-I Nurture, BCA/MCA, BSc/MSc-CS at Sc

hool of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University, India. He received his PhD degree in Computer Science & Engineering with Network Coding as his specialization. He received Master of Technology Degree in Computer Science & Engineering and Bachelor of Technology degree in Information Technology.

He is having 100+ research publications in reputed SCI or Scopus indexed Journals and International Conferences. Currently, he is guiding eight PhD students of various Universities and Industries. His research outlines emphasis on Network Coding, Interconnection Networks & Architecture and Online P

hantom Transactions. Dr. Nitin has accorded several other awards for Best Paper Published, Session Chairs, Highest Cited author, Best Students Thesis Guided, and many others. He is a recipient of IBM Drona Award and Top 10 State Award Winner. He is an active member of professional society like IEEE

(USA), ACM, SIAM (USA), Life Member of CSI and other professional societies.Prof. (Dr.) Yousef FARHAOUI is Professor at Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Morocco. Local Publishing and Research Coordinator, Cambridge International Academics in United Kingdom. He obtained h

is Ph.D. degree in Computer Security from Ibn Zohr University of Science. His research interests include learning, e-learning, computer security, big data analytics, and business intelligence. Farhaoui has three books in computer science. He is a coordinator and member of the organizing committee an

d also a member of the scientific committee of several international congresses and is a member of various international associations. He has authored 4 Book and many Book Chapters with Reputed Publishers such as Springer and IGI. He is served as a Reviewer for IEEE, IET, Springer, Inderscience and

Elsevier Journals. He is also the Guest Editor of many Journals with Wiley, Springer, Inderscience, etc. He has been the General Chair, Session Chair, and Panellist in Several Conferences. He is Senior Member of IEEE, IET, ACM and EAI Research Group.Prof. (Dr.) Parma Nand is Dean, School of Engineer

ing Technology, Sharda University Greater Noida. He has over 26 years of teaching, industry and research experience. He has expertise in Wireless and Sensor Network, Cryptography, Algorithm and Computer Graphics. He has earned his Ph.D from IIT Roorkee, M.Tech & B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineer

ing from IIT Delhi. He has been Ex-President of National Engineers Organization. He is senior member of IEEE (USA). He is member Executive Council of IEEE UP section (R10), member Executive Committee IEEE Computer and Signal Processing Society, member Executive of India council Computer Society, mem

ber Executive Council Computer Society of India, Noida section and has acted as an observer in many IEEE conferences. He has delivered many invited/keynotes talks at International & National Conferences/ Workshops/Seminars in India & abroad. He has published more than 85 papers in peer reviewed inte

rnational/national journals and conferences. He is also having active memberships of ACM, CSI, ACEEE, ISOC, IAENG, and IASCIT. He is life time member of Soft Computing Research Society (SCRS) and ISTE. Prof. (Dr.) Bhuvan Unhelkar (BE, MDBA, MSc, PhD; FACS; PSM-I, CBAP(R)) is an accomplished IT profe

ssional and Professor of IT at the University of South Florida, Sarasota-Manatee (Lead Faculty). He is also Founding Consultant at Method Science and a Co-Founder/Director at PlatiFi. He has mastery in Business Analysis & Requirements Modelling, Software Engineering, Big Data Strategies, Agile Proce

sses, Mobile Business and Green IT. His domain experience is banking, financial, insurance, government and telecommunications. Bhuvan is a thought-leader and a prolific author of 25. He is a winner of the Computerworld Object Developer Award (1995), Consensus IT Professional Award (2006) and IT Writ

er Award (2010). He has a Doctorate in the area of Object Orientation from the University of Technology, Sydney, in 1997. Bhuvan is Fellow of the Australian Computer Society, IEEE Senior Member, Professional Scrum Master, Life member of Computer Society of India and Baroda Management Association, Me

mber of SDPS, Past President of Rotary Sarasota Sunrise (Florida) & St. Ives (Sydney), Paul Harris Fellow (+6), Discovery volunteer at NSW parks and wildlife, and a previous TiE Mentor. Dr. Unhelkar is the winner of the Computerworld Object Developer Award (1995), Consensus IT Professional Award (20

06) and IT Writer Award (2010). He also chaired the Business Analysis Specialism Group of the Australian Computer Society.


為了解決scrum master的問題,作者劉朝宜 這樣論述:


作年資與敏捷軟體開發年資的任務達成績效有差異。2.不同五大人格特質者的任務達成績效有顯著差異,且其中嚴謹性人格特質與過去傳統軟體開發方法的研究結果相反。3.任務複雜度對任務達成績效有顯著影響。4.不同個人特徵的自主認領任務有顯著差異。同時,本研究也發現,組織在導入敏捷軟體開發方法過程具有學習效果。 以上研究發現,值得企業在建置敏捷開發團隊或改善實施敏捷方法論之成效時,重點觀察進而擬定對策。關鍵詞:敏捷軟體開發、任務達成績效、Scrum、人員特徵、人格特質、任務複雜度。