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經典舊版mixerbox iOS,聆聽音樂再無压力!建議安裝protube享受無廣告、快速且背景播放功能!

MixerBox是一款支援在YouTube上連續聆聽音樂的播放器,並且支援背景播放功能,在iOS和Android上都可以使用。其中,MixerBox 3是舊版的版本,但還是有很多人推薦使用,因為可以關閉螢幕在背景聽音樂。另外,推薦安裝Protube這款應用程式,它的速度快、沒有廣告且支援背景播放。如果iOS版本過舊而無法支援最新版本的MixerBox,建議使用舊版,並且不用擔心降回於舊版上出現問題的情況。在MixerBox中可以自訂歌單,在網頁電腦版和手機版上都有相關下載程序。最近有相當多使用者使用MixerBox舊版,因為可以在背景播放音樂,使用起來更加方便。

mixerbox舊版ios下載|讓你無間斷在Youtube聽音樂 使用mixerbox舊版ios能更有優勢?原來如此! 如何回到 MixerBox 舊版 iOS?避免系統相容性問題及使用上的不便! 「MixerBox 舊版 iOS」總體體驗優秀,不間斷聆聽及自訂播放清單讓你盡情聆聽音樂

"MixerBox 3" is a software for iOS and Android devices that allows uninterrupted listening to music on YouTube and supports continuous and background playback. This software was first introduced by "汤" on August 30, 2013. However, the iOS version available for download is reportedly an older version. Users recommend the old version of the software, as it allows for screen closure and background playback, making it easier to enjoy music without interruption. For iOS users, ProTube is a good alternative, which is ad-free, fast, and also supports background playback. "MixerBox 3" not only offers the convenience of continuous playback on YouTube, but also enables users to create customized playlists. The software is easy to use and can serve as a great option for those who enjoy listening to music uninterrupted. Older versions of the application may be advantageous to install, especially on older devices, where the newest version may not be compatible with the system. The latest version for Android devices is "MixerBox MB3", which can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. Additionally, "MixerBox" is also available as a web application, and can be accessed on both computer and mobile platforms, such as iOS and Android. The web application offers an uninterrupted viewing experience for music videos on YouTube. Users who are unable to download the latest updates on their mobile devices may revert to the previous, older versions of the application, avoiding inconvenience and system compatibility issues. A guide for how to do this is readily available. Overall, "MixerBox" offers a great listening experience that enables both continuous playback and customized playlists. It is an excellent option for those who enjoy listening to music without interruption. There are alternative options out there for iOS users, such as ProTube, which also provides background playback and ad-free use.


MixerBox是一款支援iOS和Android系統的音樂播放軟體,《MixerBox 3》支援在YouTube上聽音樂不中斷,並可連續播放和背景播放。2013年8月30日,阿湯iOS相關分享了這個軟體。然而,現在iOS載點似乎是舊版的。有用戶分享舊版的MixerBox可以關閉螢幕和背景播放功能。推薦iOS系統的Protube,它沒有廣告,速度快,支援背景播放。 MixerBox是一款免費的音樂播放器,可於網頁電腦版或手機版App中下載。它支援在YouTube上連續播放和自訂歌單,可在背景中播放。然而,它的舊版本在一些設備上可能會出現兼容性問題,此時降回舊版本是一個快速輕鬆的解決方式。 MixerBox: 音樂MV播放器Pro可於Android系統中下載。最近在入手iPad 3後,發現無法升級iOS版本,但許多應用程式需要iOS 10或更高版本,例如YouTube和Google Drive。 MixerBox是一款好用的音樂播放器,支援於背景中播放音樂和連續播放音樂。

另外網站Ios 71 2 下載也說明:MixerBox 免費音樂播放器下載-網頁電腦版、手機版App(Android、iOS) MixerBox是一 ... App,請參考Apple 的支援網站,獲得下載舊版Netflix 的說明。

最後網站Ios 網頁下載app則補充:2022年2月1日 — Ios 網頁下載app オムロンkp55m2 j4 仕様書. ... 免費聽音樂app:MixerBox APK Download 7. ... 先移除舊版越獄APP(如同刪除APP相同.

