cooperate例句的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列懶人包和總整理

cooperate例句的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦付建利寫的 336個英語陷阱:詞匯、語法、句型深度重點掃描 和張立麗(主編)的 英語四、六級詞組辨析手冊(高級)都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站please cooperate - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)也說明:大量翻译例句关于"please cooperate" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。

這兩本書分別來自中國人民大學 和化學工業所出版 。

最後網站cooperate中文 - 布格伦科技网則補充:定制的记忆曲线,让你轻松进阶。 精挑细选的词汇,配以数千例句和视频。 单词本… cooperate [kəu՝ɔpəreit] 重复播放vi. 合作, 协作 ...




為了解決cooperate例句的問題,作者付建利 這樣論述:

針對所有的英語學習者,旨在幫助大家提高英語的文化底蘊。全書精選了336條知識點深入講解,有詞彙,有例句,有語法,有文化背景介紹,可以全面提高讀者對單詞、句型和語法的理解,提高應用品質,全面提高英語水準。 《336個英語陷阱:詞彙、語法、句型深度重點掃描》精選了大量的英文名作和時事報導,通過簡要介紹名著內容,達到讓英語學習者快速瞭解名著,同時掌握經典句型的效果。時事報導中包含了大量最新詞彙和現代用法,讓英語學習更能與現代生活快速接軌。《336個英語陷阱:詞彙、語法、句型深度重點掃描》本身包含兩種檢索方式,便於讀者查找。 付建利,畢業于北京外國語大學英語語言文學專業,多年來在

高校及多家知名培訓機構從事英語教學工作,講授英美文學選讀、西方文化史、CATTI筆譯、新概念英語4等課程,中央財經大學美國高等教育學位專案部特邀英美文學課程主講,出版《英美文學選讀考點深度掃描》等圖書,常年擔任王長喜全國大學英語四六級詞彙課程、閱讀課程等主講,北京市教委“人人說英語”大獎賽英文評委,北京人民廣播電臺英語頻道AM774《AskMe名師線上》欄目嘉賓,主持《閱讀Style品讀經典名著》以及《英語早讀》等英語教學節目,在教學實踐中將知識講授與文學、文化鑒賞共冶一爐,獨創英語閱讀邏輯分析法等,受到業內廣泛認可。 1.make endeavor to中的to是否為介詞

? free to do/be, be free with, be free of與be free from有什麼區別? 3.read與read of都表示“讀”的意思嗎? 4.draw out有什麼含義? about與care for意思一樣嗎? 6.involve只表示“包含”的意思嗎? 7.cease to do與cease doing有什麼區別? 8.take leave與take leave to意思有什麼不同? 9.wake up與wake up to有什麼區別? 10.if only和only if有什麼區別? 11.spend on sth.與spend

in doing sth.側重點一樣嗎? 12.on the whole與as a whole有什麼區別? 13.put away與put aside有什麼區別? 14.look up與look up to的區別是什麼? 15.on all accounts與by all accounts有什麼區別? equal to與(be) equal in的含義完全一樣嗎? the point of與on the point of有什麼區別? 18.tell僅僅表示“告訴”的意思嗎? 19.happily僅僅表示“快樂地”或“幸運地”嗎? 20.lay off,lay asid

e,lay down和lay out各有什麼含義? line with只表示“與……在一條線上”的意思嗎? 22.drag down與knock down有什麼含義? large作後置定語和表語時表示的意思一樣嗎? away只表示“離開,走掉”的意思嗎? 25.lively是個副詞嗎? the fire與under fire表示的意思一樣嗎? one’s colors的意思是什麼? on有什麼含義? 29.get off with表示“與……一起下車”嗎? sb.up與call sth.up區別在

哪裡? 31.make of與make...of表示的意思一樣嗎? 32.make provision for是“制定規章”的意思嗎? the wrong是什麼意思? assigned to中的to是介詞還是不定式? 35.get through與go through有什麼區別? 36.send out,send in與send for的區別是什麼? 37.turn to只表示“轉向 38.lie這個詞到底是什麼意思? 39.for that matter是什麼意思? down與play along各有什麼含義? 41.動詞bear的過去式是born嗎?

42.along with只表示“與……一道、一起”嗎? 43.means作“方法,手段”講時是單數還是複數? 44.fall over,fall down和fall off的含義一樣嗎? 45.leave與leave for表示的意思一樣嗎? 46.such and such有什麼含義? 47.draw的固定搭配有哪些? 48.for life與for dear life表示的意思一樣嗎? the middle of與in the midst of有什麼區別? 50.close與closely都是副詞嗎? concerned about和be concerned w

ith表示的意思一樣嗎? 52.point to,to the point和come to the point有什麼區別? 53.graduate in與graduate from有什麼區別? 54.pass for表示“超過”的意思嗎’ 55.put up與put up wi仇表示的意思一樣嗎? 56.attend與attend to都表示“參加,出席”的意思嗎? 57.fall in與fall within有什麼區別嗎’ 58.hang的過去式只有一種形式嗎? 59.see to it that是表示“看到某物”的意思嗎? to do與fail in doing的內涵一樣嗎

? 61.across from與from across的區別是什麼? 62.cross與across的區別是什麼? 63.hear of與hear about的內涵一樣嗎? 64.key to和key of的含義一樣嗎? 65.die out與die off有什麼區別? 66.convince這個詞到底該怎麼用? 67.speak out與speak up都表示“大聲說話”嗎? charge of與in the charge of表示的意思一樣嗎? any case,in no case和such being the case都是什麼意思? 70.die of與die

from有哪些區別? fear of和for fear of表示的意思一樣嗎? 72.practice後面接doing還是接to do結構? 73.succeed after sb表示“接替某人”嗎? 74.get dressed和be dressed表示的意思一樣嗎? the end, to the end和on end都表示“結束”的意思嗎? 76.suspect be與suspect sb.of doing有什麼區別? 77.not least是什麼意思, bound by, be bound to和be bound up with表示的

意思一樣嗎? 79.long before與before long表示的意思一樣嗎? 80.with respect與with respect to都表示“對……尊重”嗎? 81.go in for與go into的含義一樣嗎? 82.(be) proud of與(be) proud about都表示“因……而自豪”嗎? time只表示“及時地,適時地”的意思嗎? once與all at once表示的意思一樣嗎? 85.apply for與aapply to表示同樣的意思嗎? out和run out of在用法上有什麼區別? the way,

on the way與in the way有什麼區別? 88.get down to與get through to有什麼區別? ashamed of與be ashamed to do表示的意思一樣嗎? 90.on demand與demand on有什麼區別? 91.take...for與take for granted有什麼區別? 92.stand by與abide by都可以表示“遵守”嗎? 93.put across的意思是“把……放到對面”嗎? 94.come down, come down to與come down on都表示“從……跌落下來”的意思嗎? 95.on th

e ground和on the grounds表示的意思一樣嗎? 96.cooperate with與incorporate with有什麼區別? up to表示的意思是“活到……歲”嗎? turn和in return表示的意思一樣嗎? 99.practically只有“實際上地”這一個含義嗎? 100.(be) parallel to, (be) flush with和be level in有什麼區別? 101.hence只表示“因此”的意思嗎? 102.on只表示“在……上面”嗎? 103.nothing but與anyth;ng but的含義一樣嗎’ 104.

immediately僅僅是一個副詞嗎? devoted後面是接to還是into? any event有什麼含義? to do...有幾種含義? 108.何時才能使用將來完成時? answer to中的to是不定式還是介詞? 110.when...只表示“當……時”的意思嗎? 111.inferior的比較級可以是more inferior than嗎? 112.where這個詞只作“哪裡”的意思嗎? its hottest是不是一個語法錯誤? 114.nowhere near和anywhere near分別是什麼意思? 1 as not to...與 not to有什麼區別? 116.let’s say是表示“讓我們說”的意思嗎? if...何時用陳述語氣,何時用虛擬語氣? order to do與so as to do用法一樣嗎? 119.must的反義疑問句該怎樣寫? supposed to do與be supposed to have done一樣嗎? more...than與not more...than表示的意思一樣嗎? more than與not more than表示的意思一樣嗎? less

...than與not less...than表示的意思一樣嗎? less than與not less than有什麼區別? 125.the only sth需要接that還是which作定語限定? 126.have been in,have been to與have gone to的區別是什麼? 127.might as well do sth.與might as well do do sth有什麼區別? 128.consist of與compose of表示“由……組成”時都用被動語態嗎? 129.if條件句只有一種嗎? 130.more than surpri

sed表示什麼意思? 131.than這個詞在句子中可以作關係代詞嗎? 132.however只表示“然而”這個意思嗎? 133.哪些形容詞出現時,it is從句需要使用虛擬語氣? 134.whether it be...or表示的是什麼意思?


為了解決cooperate例句的問題,作者張立麗(主編) 這樣論述:

本書匯集了英語詞組173組。包括動詞詞組、介詞詞組、名詞詞組、形容詞詞組、副詞詞組和慣用詞語等。介紹了詞組意義、搭配、辨析、應用,尤其是通過大量例句,闡明詞組間的異同和應用。是適用於英語學習者,備考、提高英語水平的參考書。 1 a bag of; a sack of001 2 a bale of; a box of; a bundle of; a pack of; a package of; a packet of001 3 a cup of; a glass of; a mug of003 4 above all; first and foremost; first of

all; in the first place 004 5 absorb in; apply(bend; give; put; set; turn)one』s mind to; apply oneself to; attend to; bury(oneself)in; devote(oneself)to; settle down(to); soak(oneself)in; steep(oneself)in006 6 according as; according to; in accordance with009 7 account for; go into; set out010 8 al

ive to; awake to; aware of; beware of 011 9 all at once; all of a sudden; in a flash013 10 all in; tire out; use up; wear out014 11 all in all; as a whole; at large; by and large; in all; in a word; in general; in one word; in the large; in sum; on the whole; to sum up; upon the whole015 12 all mann

er of; all sorts(kinds)of; of all sorts(kinds); this,that and the other; this and that018 13 all over; far and near; far and wide; here and there; here there and everywhere; on all sides; on every side; right and left; left and right020 14 allow for; get around to; get round to; see about; take acco

unt(consideration)of; take into account(consideration); think about; think of; think out; think again; think over; think twice; think through; use one』s head; take no account of022 15 and all; and that; and all that; and so forth; and so on; and the like; and what not; what have you; and what—not028

16 and no mistake; beyond doubt; beyond question; no doubt,out of question; without doubt; without question030 17 and way; at all events; at any cost; at any price; at any rate; by all means; by any means; by every means; in any case; in any event032 18 appear in print; in print; bring out; come ou

t; put out034 19 apply to; do with; have a connection with; in connection with; refer to; relate to; be related to; relative to; tie in with; tie up with036 20 approach to; close on; close to; close upon; come near to; come close to038 21 argue into; persuade into; reason into; talk into039 22 arise

from; arise out of; come from; come of; flow from; grow from; grow out of; result from040 23 as a matter of fact; as good as; as it is; as it was; in actual fact; in effect; in fact; in point of fact; in reality; in practice; in truth042 24 as far as; as for; as regards; as to; in regard to; in one

』s regard; in this regard; in that regard; so far as; with regard to045 25 as if; as it was; as it were; as it is; as though; look like047 26 as long as; in case; in case of; in the case of; in the event of; in the event that; on condition of; on condition that; on the understanding that; provided t

hat; providing that; so long as049 27 as soon as; barely...when; hardly...before; hardly...when; no sooner...than; scarce...before; scarcely...before; scarcely...when; so soon as; the instant; the minute; the moment053 28 as yet; so far; to date; up to date; up to now; up to the present055 29 ascrib

e to; attribute to; charge off to; charge to; put down to056 30 at large; at length; in detail057 31 at random; at will058 321at rest; breathe one』s last; die off; drop dead; go home; draw one』s last breath; go to one』s rest; go west; in the dust; kick the bucket; pass away; go to one』s account; go

to one』s last home; breathe one』s last breath058 33 at sixes and sevens; in a mess062 34 at table; dine in; dine on; dine out; dine out on; at the table; eat away; eat off; eat up; wolf down; dine off; finish off; finish up062 35 attend on; attend upon; run after; run round; wait on; wait upon065 36

attend to; clear up; cope with; deal with; reckon with066 37 auction off; clear off; close out; go for a song; go for an old song; for a song; knock down; knock sth.down to sb.for; sell for a song; sell off; sell out; sell up068 38 avail(oneself)of; cash in on; make use of; trade on; trade upon071

39 back down; back off; fling in; fling up; give up; throw in; throw up073 40 back out; back out from; back out of; break one』s word; break one』s promise; go back from; go back of; go back on; go back upon074 41 back up; block up; bung up; stop up076 42 back up; in support of; stand behind; stand by

; stand for; stand up for077 43 bang up; crack up; finish off; smash up079 44 bang up; get sb.into trouble; knock up; prang up080 45 bank on; calculate on; calculate upon; count on; count upon; depend on; depend upon; dependant on; dependant upon; lean on; lean upon; look to; reckon on; reckon upon;

rely on; rely upon; rest on; rest upon081 46 barge in; barge in on; barge into; break in; chip in; cut in; edge in; get in; get in a word; put in; cut in on; cut into084 47 base on; base upon; build on; build upon; found on; found upon; ground on; ground upon; repose on087 48 bear a grudge; carry a

grudge; have a grudge; hold a grudge; have it in for089 49 bear with; do with; hold with; put up with; stand for; take it090 50 beat down; bring down; come down; cut down; knock down; knock off091 51 because of; as a result of; by right of; by virtue of; due to; in that; in view of; in virtue of; o

n account of; owing to; thanks to094 52 behind closed doors; in private; in secrecy; in secret; in the dark; under the table098 53 bet on; gamble on; put on; stake on; stake upon; wager on100 54 betroth to; engage to; promise to102 55 bitch up; foul up; make a hash of; make hay of; make a mess of; m

ake a muddle of; mess up103 56 blaze up; burn up; catch alight; catch fire; catch on fire; flame forth; flame out; flame up; on fire; set fire to sth.; set sth.on fire105 57 bone up on; mug up; swot up; bone up; mug up on; swot at107 58 born of; be from; come from; come of; hail from; spring from; b

e born of; be sprung from108 59 bow before; bow down to; bend the knee to; bow the knee to; bow to; yield to110 60 box in; box in up; hem about; hem around; hem in111 61 break down; call a halt; come to a halt; come to a standstill;come to a stop; cut out; give over; leave off112 62 break down; cut

out; give out; go wrong114 63 break one』s neck; do one』s best; do one』s endeavour; do one』s utmost; go flat out; exert oneself; go all out; try one』s best; make one』s endeavour; make every endeavour115 64 brighten up; cheer up; chirk up; perk up; spunk up; bear up; brace up; buck up118 65 bring abou

t; bring on; lead to; result in; result from119 66 bring back; bring to mind; call to mind; put in mind; recall to mind; think back121 67 bring down; come down; hand down; hand on; pass down; pass on123 68 bring forth; bring forward; bring up; put forth; put forward;put up124 69 bring forth; bring i

nto the world; come into the world; deliver of; give birth to126 70 bring forward; in advance; in advance of; put ahead; set ahead; set forward128 71 bring out; put out; turn out130 72 bring to an end; come to a close; draw to a close131 73 bring to ruin; burst up; come to ruin; go bankrupt; go brok

e; be broke; go bust132 74 bring up; bring back; cast up; come up; spit up; throw up133 75 buck up; come along; come on; hurry up; make haste; make speed135 76 build up; lay aside; lay away; lay by; lay in; lay up; place aside; put apart; put aside; put away; put by; save up; set aside; set by136 77

bundle; pack sb off; send; ship; send away138 78 butter up; lick sb』s boots; polish the apple; lick sb』s feet; lick sb』s shoes140 79 buy off; get al; get to; take care of141 80 by dint of; by means of; by right of; by virtue of; in virtue of142 81 by rotation; by turns; in rota

tion; in turn,take turns; take it in turn(s); take one』s turn144 82 call at; call by; call in; call into; call on; call upon; drop by; drop in; drop on; drop over; have a visit to; look up; make a visit to; pay a visit to; wait on; wait upon; drop into; drop round146 83 call off; wash out; wipe out;

write off149 84 call sb.names; call sb』s name; call name; blast away; blast off; let out; swear about; swear at151 85 call up; phone up; place a call; put a call; give a call; make a call; ring to; ring up; telephone in152 86 calm down; cool down; cool off; die away; die down154 87 carry on;

get on; go on; keep on; keep doing155 88 carry over; hold back; keep back; put back; set back158 89 cast an eye at; cast an eye over; glance over; glance through; look through; run through; skim over; skim through; skip through; glance one』s eye over; glance one』s eye through159 90 cast aside; cast

away; cast out; fling away; fling out; throw away; throw out; toss away; toss out162 91 cast off; draw off; get off; pull off; put off; slip off; take off;throw off163 92 catch hold of; clap hold of; clutch at; get hold of; grab at; lay hold of; seize hold of; snatch at; take hold of166 93 catch on;

cotton on; figure out; get al; make out; pick out; take in; work out169 94 catch some z』s; catch one』s breath; crash out; dead to the world; forty winks; get a break; go to sleep; have a break; have a rest; hit the hay; hit the pad; hit the sack; hit the slats; take a break; turn in172 95 catch up;

catch up on; catch up to; catch up with; come up with; get up with; keep up with176 96 chalk out; lay down; map out; set down; work out178 97 chalk up; mark down; make note(s)of; note down; put down; set down; take down; take note(s)of; write down180 98 change up; gear up; speed up; step on the gas

183 99 cheat out of; do out of; swindle out of; trick out of184 100 check out; check over; check through; check up; check up on; go over; go through; look over; look through186 101 chip in; come down with; come through; give financial aid; aid financially; kick in; offer assistance189 102 chuck down

one』s tools; be on(a)strike; come on(a)strike; come out on(a)strike; down tools; fling down one』s tools; go on(a)strike; go out on(a)strike; be on(a)strike; throw down one』s tools191 103 chuck out; throw out; toss out; turn away; turn down192 104 chuck up; give up; resign from; step down; throw up1

94 105 chum in(with); chum up(with); be friends with; keep company with; make friends with195 106 clean up; coin money; earn an honest penny; earn good money; make a fortune; make a pile; make money; mint money; net a profit; turn an honest penny197 107 close down; close one』s doors; close out; clos

e up; close up shop; shut down; shut up; shut up shop200 108 collaborate with; cooperate with; play ball(with); team up(with); work together202 109 combine with; link up204 110 come across; come on; come upon; drop across; fall across; happen on; happen upon; meet up; meet up with; meet with; run ac

ross205 111 come away; get along; get away; get out; go along; go away; move away; move off; walk away; walk off209 112 come out; show one』s face; show up; turn up212 113 come the old soldier over; cross up; play false; try on; play the old soldier; come over,come around213 114 compensate for; make

amends for; make up; make up for215 115 cook up; fake up; make up; think up216 116 cope with; get around; get round; get over; tide over217 117 count off; cream off; drop on; fasten on; pick on; pick upon;pick out; pick over219 118 crack up; cry up; extol to the skies; laud to the skies; give someon

e a pat on the back; pat someone on the back; praise to the skies; slap someone on the back221 119 cross off; cross out; cut off; cut out; score off; score out; strike off; strike out; strike through223 120 cry down; do down; run down; tell tales out of school225 121 cut across; cut corners; cut thr

ough227 122 date(back)to; date(back)from; go back into; go back to;run back to; trace back to228 123 decide on; decide upon; determine on; determine upon; make up one』s mind229 124 deliver over; deliver up; give in; give over; hand in; hand over; turn in; turn over230 125 demur at; disagree about; d

isagree on; disagree over; disagree to; disagree with; stand out against; stick out against233 126 depend on; depend upon; hang on; hang upon; hinge on; hinge upon; ride on; ride upon; turn on; turn upon235 127 die by; die from; die in; die of; die off; die out; die with236 128 die down; die out; go

out; snuff out239 129 dine off; eat off; live by; live off; live on; sponge on; sponge upon240 130 dine off; feed off; feed on; feed upon; live off; live on242 131 dismiss from; fire out; kick out; let go; fire from244 132 do into; put into; render into; translate into; turn into245 133 do de

ath; finish off; kill off247 134 dot sb.』s i』s; dot sb.』s i』s and cross sb.』s t』s; find fault with; pick a hole in; pick holes in sb』s coat; pick flaws in sb』s coat; pick at248 135 draw on; dress up; get into; go into; have on; pull on; put on; throw on; turn out250 136 drive at; get al253 137 drive

crazy; drive mad; drive sb.insane; drive sb.out of one』s mind(wits); drive sb.up the wall; send sb.up the wall; sick of; sicken of; tire of; sick to death of254 138 drop a brick; put one』s foot in it; put one』s foot into it; put one』s foot in(into)one』s mouth256 139 drop off; get off; get out of; l

et off; put down; put off; set down257 140 eat up; make away with; make off with; run away with; run out; run out of; run through ; use up259 141 edge on; egg on; goad on; put up to; set on; urge on262 142 fall foul of; fall afoul of; have a quarrel(with); have words; exchange words with; have words

with; pick a quarrel with; quarrel with; run afoul of; run foul of264 143 fill in; fill out; fill up266 144 follow the fashion; keep up with the Joneses; keep up with the times; try to be in the trend267 145 fool around with; meddle with; mess about with269 146 foot the bill; pay back; pay down; pa

y for; pay up; put down; tip up270 147 for ever; for ever and a day; for good; for good and all; for keeps271 148 for sb』s sake; for sth』s sake; for the sake of; in order that; in order to; so that; so as to; with a view to273 149 get ahead; get ahead of; keep ahead of; one up on; refine on; refine

upon; remain ahead of; stay ahead of277 150 get in contact with; get in touch with; get into touch with; get on to; keep in contact(with); keep in touch(with); make contact with279 151 get out; give away; leak out; let the cat out of the bag; spill the beans; tip off281 152 get through; put through;

walk through; waltz through284 153 give forth; give off; give out; send forth; send out; throw off; throw out285 154 go up; look up; move up; put up; race up; send up; shoot up287 155 hear about; hear of; hear say; hear speak; hear talk; hear tell; know of; learn about; learn of289 156 hold up; rob

of291 157 hunt down; hunt for; hunt up; in search for; in search of; look about; look after; look around; look for; look out for; look round; look up; search after; search for; search out; seek after; seek for; seek out292 158 in a hurry; in haste; be in haste to(do); hurry up; hustle—and—hustle; m

ake haste; with haste296 159 in place of; instead of; stand in for; take the place of; take sb』s place298 160 in time; in good time; on time300 161 interfere in; interfere with; intervene in; meddle in; nose into; pry into301 162 leave alone; let alone; never mind; not to mention; not to speak of; n

ot to say303 163 lend an ear; lend one』s ear(s); listen for; listen in; listen out; listen to305 164 let on; make believe; make out; pass off; put on307 165 light up; load up; under the influence; under the table;under the weather; wipe out308 166 light up; put on; switch on; turn on310 167 look dow

n on; look down upon; look down one』s nose at; sneeze at; sniff at; spit at312 168 match up; match with; team up; tone in314 169 noise about; noise abroad; noise around; put about;rumor abroad; set about; set abroad; spread about; spread abroad; spread around315 170 now that; seeing that317 171 put

off; put out; shut off; shut down; snap off; switch off; turn off; turn out318 172 see; send sb.off320 173 set forth; leave for; set off; set out; start for; start off; start out320