Side project idea的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列懶人包和總整理

Side project idea的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Koutmos, Alexander,Tate, Bruce,Hunleth, Frank寫的 Build a Weather Station with Elixir and Nerves: Visualize Your Sensor Data with Phoenix and Grafana 和李盈瑩(Kate)的 老姐要用 Kotlin 寫專案:從 Server 到 Android APP 的開發生存日記(iT邦幫忙鐵人賽系列書)都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站How to Come Up With New and Better Project Ideas - X-Team也說明:New developers with side projects have a much higher chance of being hired than those without side projects. You'll find that the most successful programmers ...

這兩本書分別來自 和博碩所出版 。

國立臺北科技大學 設計學院設計博士班 王鴻祥所指導 鄧孝天的 類比式設計中的創意思考學習方法 (2021),提出Side project idea關鍵因素是什麼,來自於創意思考、類比式設計、新穎性。

而第二篇論文東海大學 教育研究所在職專班 陳世佳所指導 蔡盈梅的 高中生智慧型手機成癮、自我控制、家長介入與教師介入之關係研究 (2021),提出因為有 高中生、智慧型手機成癮、自我控制、家長介入、教師介入的重點而找出了 Side project idea的解答。

最後網站Side Hustle: The Secret to Getting a Job in Product Management則補充:5 popular side-project ideas: · Hosting platform: If you've got tech skills you've been wanting to flex, then you could build your own website and have your blog ...


除了Side project idea,大家也想知道這些:

Build a Weather Station with Elixir and Nerves: Visualize Your Sensor Data with Phoenix and Grafana

為了解決Side project idea的問題,作者Koutmos, Alexander,Tate, Bruce,Hunleth, Frank 這樣論述:

The Elixir programming language has become a go-to tool for creating reliable, fault-tolerant, and robust server-side applications. Thanks to Nerves, those same exact benefits can be realized in embedded applications. This book will teach you how to structure, build, and deploy production grade N

erves applications to network-enabled devices. The weather station sensor hub project that you will be embarking upon will show you how to create a full stack IoT solution in record time. You will build everything from the embedded Nerves device to the Phoenix backend and even the Grafana time-serie

s data visualizations.Elixir as a programming language has found its way into many different software domains, largely in part to the rock-solid foundation of the Erlang virtual machine. Thanks to the Nerves framework, Elixir has also found success in the world of embedded systems and IoT. Having ac

cess to all of the Elixir and OTP constructs such as concurrency, supervision, and immutability makes for a powerful IoT recipe. Find out how to create fault-tolerant, reliable, and robust embedded applications using the Nerves framework.Build and deploy a production-grade weather station sensor hub

using Elixir and Nerves, all while leveraging the best practices established by the Nerves community for structuring and organizing Nerves applications. Capture all of your weather station sensor data using Phoenix and Ecto in a lightweight server-side application. Efficiently store and retrieve th

e time-series weather data collected by your device using TimescaleDB (the Postgres extension for time-series data). Finally, complete the full stack IoT solution by using Grafana to visualize all of your time-series weather station data. Discover how to create software solutions where the underlyin

g technologies and techniques are applicable to all layers of the project.Take your project from idea to production ready in record time with Elixir and Nerves.What You Need: To complete the Nerves weather station project in this book, you will need the following: A Linux, MacOS, or Windows computer

to build and deploy Nerves firmware imagesA Raspberry Pi Zero W or any other Nerves supported target (https: // VEML6030 light sensorAn BME680 environmental sensorAn SGP30 air quality sensorQwiic connect cables for weather sensors

Side project idea進入發燒排行的影片

好高興有機會參加YouTube的CreatorSpotlight 2020!


這首歌只用了一些日常用品來製作,例如一隻公雞碗,筷子,茶餐廳膠杯,微型玩具的士,一些玻璃珠和最常見的廣東話單詞 -「喂」(由我的朋友@麗英LaiYing親自演繹),再加啲充滿了香港霓虹燈的視覺效果。呢啲都係我無覺好訓的原因。


最後希望與你分享並希望你哋都鍾意睇。如果你哋都覺得正嘅,記住俾個like或者share :)

This year I was selected to be one of the Creators in CreatorSpotlightHK 2020 for YouTube!
Having done YouTube for many years now , I was excited to accept this invitation and dive into a sleepless week of development and creation . I mean nobody every said it has to be rocket science , but you guys know me so well by now and I don’t do well with SIMPLE or BASIC. I also wanted to give this project my best since I was so excited to be invited by YouTube, so I came up with this idea of a DIY home made music video!
The concept of this video was to use daily Hong Kong objects to re-create a Russian Tetris song that many of you know and love.
The song was made using only a few objects such as a rooster decorated bowl of rice, chopsticks , iconic local restaurant plastic cup , miniature toy version of a Hong Kong / Kowloon side red taxi, some marbles and one of the most common words “wei” performed by my friend and colleague @麗英 LaiYing and it was all seasoned with Hong Kong's neon lights visual effects. All of that was a recipe for my sleepless nights...

Half way through of making the video I hated myself for ever deciding to do this , but now having the final product , I absolutely LOVE IT! It couldn’t possibly turn out better and I did my absolute best .
Im ecstatic to finally share this with you and hope you enjoy it , if you do, make sure to support it with a like and share as this would really help me out :)

#CreatorSpotlightHK #俄仔 #Ansheles


為了解決Side project idea的問題,作者鄧孝天 這樣論述:


想新穎性。然後,本研究嘗試從類比式設計切入來探索創意思考的學習方法。類比式設計是一種從工業產品和大自然中汲取靈感的創新設計方法,它的內在本質與創意思考具有關聯性。利用類比式設計學習創意思考,可以應對學習創意思考的兩大挑戰。因此,本研究透過四個基於類比式設計的實驗來探索創意思考的學習方法。實驗一招募了54名大學生,他們需要從27種工業產品汲取靈感進行訂書機概念設計。結果發現設計目標在發散性情感和設計構想新穎性之間具有橋樑作用。在實驗二中, 122名和179名大學生分別要求利用字詞樹與心智圖兩種思考工具來構思問題的解決方案。結果發現這兩種思考工具在提升發散性思維和發散性情感分別具有優缺點。實驗三和



老姐要用 Kotlin 寫專案:從 Server 到 Android APP 的開發生存日記(iT邦幫忙鐵人賽系列書)

為了解決Side project idea的問題,作者李盈瑩(Kate) 這樣論述:

  本書內容改編自第 12 屆 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽 Mobile Development 組佳作網路系列文章 ──《 老姐好像要用 Kotlin 寫專案,能撐 30 天嗎?》。本書旨在鼓勵對程式開發有興趣或是想轉職工程師的朋友,積極學習 Kotlin 程式語言,將 Side Project 列入人生計畫。以弟弟(後端工程師)的視角,描述姐弟使用 Kotlin 進行為期三十天的 Side Project 過程,是一本以輕鬆、帶一點吐槽的文筆進行程式專案開發紀實的日誌。你將從開發準備、Scope 系列函式、問答聊天室結構到雲端訊息 FCM 推播,逐步探索 Kotlin 的美妙之

處。   ☑前後端使用一種程式語言開發   前後端共有開發的資源,能夠將精力放在需要關注的地方,學習曲線的效率自然也大幅提升。   ☑設計實作 Side Project   獲得提升整合的能力,擴大事業版圖。在本書的設計實作Side Project 中,你將探索工程師的工作與生活的平衡。   ☑開發技巧和疑難排解   以大量對話形式的問答篇,解開你經常遇到的各種問題,讓你從本書獲取豐富經驗,不只少走彎路,還能學會開拓道路的方法!   【適合讀者】   ✦考慮轉職、對程式開發或建立 Side Project 有興趣的工程師   ✦對 Kotlin 語言有興趣、想認識 Kotlin 的讀者

  ✦前端、後端開發工程師 本書特色   小說 × 程式 ── 打開程式書就昏昏欲睡?   讓Kate豐富的程式人經驗給你小說般的沈浸式體驗!   ◎帶你認識在 Android 領域刮起旋風的 Kotlin 程式語言特點   ◎觀摩程式專案如何設計、實作和解決問題   ◎一窺工程師神秘面紗下的工作和生活 專業推薦   「武俠小說裡有所謂的金庸體與古龍體,而今我很榮幸能為技術書籍的 Kate 體寫推薦,畢竟很少技術書籍能讓人一直不斷地想要看下去,這麼獨特的風格,如果你對 Kotlin 有興趣的話千萬不能錯過。」──── Android GDE(Google Developer Exp

ert)‒ Jintin   「詼諧風趣的表達手法加上圖文並茂的豐富內容,每次閱覽都讓人有一次看完的衝動!」──── Kotlin GDE(Google Developer Expert)‒ 黃健旻   「Kate 的寫作風格融入小說情境,以對話的形式讓讀者在學習 Kotlin 多平台開發時能更有氛圍。本書主題從開發計劃、前後端資料交換、軟體架構、語法糖、雲端整合皆有詳述,從劇情推演中,讀者也能體驗開發過程中的混沌、掙扎、沈澱與突破。想來點不一樣的學習情境嗎?跟著 Kate 的劇情,踏上探索 Kotlin 的旅程吧!」──── JetBrains 技術傳教士 ‒ 范聖佑


為了解決Side project idea的問題,作者蔡盈梅 這樣論述:

