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另外網站與SJ Wedding 鯊魚婚紗婚攝團隊有關的2篇新娘評價推薦都在 ...也說明:這裡有2篇與SJ Wedding 鯊魚婚紗婚攝團隊相關新娘評價推薦,來看看其他新娘怎麼說:如果婚禮能完美落幕,又能再其中找到自己,我強烈推薦鯊魚的吳向碩 ...

國立中山大學 生物科學系研究所 顏聖紘所指導 魏嬗如的 斑尺蛾族(鱗翅目:尺蛾科、枝尺蛾亞科)的親緣關係重建與形態演化,特別關注潔尺蛾屬之系統分類與演化生態 (2020),提出SJ Wedding關鍵因素是什麼,來自於枝尺蛾亞科、雄性生殖器、比較形態學、分子系統學、隱藏種。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣師範大學 生命科學系 陳昭倫所指導 潘爾瑪的 綠島中光層珊瑚礁生態系是未來臺灣珊瑚礁潛在避難所嗎? (2019),提出因為有 的重點而找出了 SJ Wedding的解答。

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攝影|林淞(SJ Wedding 鯊魚婚紗婚攝團隊)
造型|Eva Lai、Cece (Eva Lai Makeup Studio)

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為了解決SJ Wedding的問題,作者魏嬗如 這樣論述:

本研究同時使用形態與分子證據試圖解析Genusa屬 (一個在許多形態與生態方面獨樹一格的屬) 在枝尺蛾亞科內的族級歸屬以及種級分類議題。此屬原隸屬於斑尺蛾族 (Hypochrosini),並缺乏其姐妹群關係的假說。然近年的枝尺蛾亞科族級親緣關係研究顯示斑尺蛾族與Epionini、Scardamiini、Anagogini及Apeirini形成一個族級複合群 (簡稱EHSAA),而特產非洲的Drepanogynini為整個複合群的姐妹群,故本研究須先檢驗這個複合群的單系性與內部關係,才能探索Genusa在其內部的位置,並進一步解析種級分類議題。本研究分為兩大部份:(1) 首先挑選5族28屬49

種尺蛾代表EHSAA,並以3屬6種的Drepanogynini成員作為外群進行比較形態學研究。挑選出9個形態特徵映像至演化樹上,以釐清EHSAA內部是否有形態上的分群,並針對EHSAA的雄性生殖器furca結構與其他枝尺蛾亞科各族diaphragma區域結構進行同源性的探討。接著使用來自枝尺蛾亞科28族115屬121種 (包含EHSAA的5族25屬44種資訊) 的8個分子標記 (CO1、EF-1a、Wingless、RpS5、CAD、MDH、GAPDH與IDH,共計4300bps),使用最大然似分析與貝葉式分析重建系統發育樹以檢驗先前假說。並使用新建的演化假說推測EHSAA內各屬的分化年代與重

要的形態特徵分布、寄主植物利用以及地理分布格局;(2) 我使用來自7個國家的51隻Genusa樣本外加Celenna sp. cf. festivaria為外群重建其種間親緣關係並探討其分化年代與有效的鑑識特徵。研究結果顯示:(1) EHSAA為一單系群,然除單模之Apeirini外,其它族皆非單系群且不具備各別的鑑識特徵,因此我建議將EHSAA合併為Epionini;(2) 先前研究認為furca在Hypochrosini (或Anagogini) 與Ourapterygini (現與Ennomini合併) 為趨同演化,但我認為Ourapteryx與EHSAA所具備之結構並不相同,且並非趨同

演化的結果;(3) 先前研究認為雄性第三腹節無梳狀毛、雄生殖器具furca結構與vinculum延伸為可裝載coremata之loop為EHSAA各族之共同衍徵,但我認為除第三腹節無梳狀毛外,其它特徵應為EHSAA + Drepanogynini之共同衍徵;(4) EHSAA寄主植物利用共涉及裸子植物1科與被子植物32科,而寄主植物專一性在東方區較為強烈,此觀察吻合古典的氣候與寄主植物廣度關聯性預測;(5) 警戒性斑紋在EHSAA內部有多次獨立起源且多半集中於熱帶與亞熱帶地區;(5) EHSAA的起源可能為非洲與南歐,後再由東亞大陸與中南半島進入東南亞島嶼及澳洲;(6) 在Genusa的分類部

份,我確認此屬共有七種,內含G. semperi、G. malaysiana與G. austrovietnamica三個新種與一個疑問種G. destituta,而種間的鑑識特徵則多由雄性生殖器與幼生期形態提供。由於Genusa的姐妹群仍有疑義,且缺少許多關鍵地區的樣本,故目前尚無法確認此屬的地理起源,然其分化過程則與巽它陸塊的海平面升降與環境變遷有密切的關係。


為了解決SJ Wedding的問題,作者潘爾瑪 這樣論述:

Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems (MCEs) are the continuation of the shallow water coral reefs into the twilight zone, at depth between 30 and 150m. These ecosystems are supporting a rich biodiversity into which light-dependent corals (Scleractinia Bourne, 1900) are among the dominant ecosystem engineers

. Recent investigations on these ecosystems have shown that they support an exceptional biodiversity and often have high levels of endemism with numerous new species adapted to the low light environment. As MCEs are often located relatively farther away from the coastlines and deep below the sea sur

face, it has been suggested that they could face lower intensity and frequency of disturbances, providing temporary refuge for reefal organisms. MCEs could as well act as a source of propagules for shallow water communities, replenishing their populations following disturbances and thus facilitating

the overall resilience of the ecosystem. In any case, the role that MCEs could play for future coral reefs is still debatable given the current extent of our knowledge about these ecosystems. In Taiwan for instance, there is very little information about the diversity in scleractinian corals below

30m in depth. Therefore, level of similarity between shallow and mesophotic biodiversity in scleractinian corals as well as the degree of genetic specialization with depth for these species are unknown. Lastly, the ability for mesophotic populations to serve as source of propagules has never been as

sessed, obscuring the role that MCEs could play for future Taiwanese coral reefs. The aim of this PhD project was to fill the gaps of knowledge about MCEs from Taiwan using Ludao (also called Green Island) as a reference. Investigation of the MCEs from Ludao, at depths between 38 and 60m, allowed th

e examination of low-gradient slopes associated with extended covers of sand and rubbles, which are known to limit the development of the MCEs. However, the presence of numerous small to large patches of hard substrates allows the development of a diverse scleractinian fauna. A minimum of 103 sclera

ctinian species (plus two other reef-builders) were collected at mesophotic depths, including at least 12 new records for Taiwan. One scleractinian coral with large bathymetric distribution around the island (Pocillopora verrucosa Elis & Solander, 1786) was used as a model to investigate possible ge

netic specialization and population differentiation with depth, and to estimate levels of migration between shallow and deep zones. First, the use of molecular taxonomic markers on P. verrucosa collected from three locations at depth ranging from 7 to 45m excluded the presence of any genetic special

ization related to depth. Then, the use of microsatellites markers to analyze the same specimens show little to no differentiation with depth, but rather a unique population pool with recent vertical (among depth) and horizontal (between sites) migration signals. These results suggest that P. verruc

osa from Ludao is a panmictic population. Despite the relatively limitated MCEs development around Taiwan, these ecosystems around Ludao support a rich diversity in scleractinian corals species, and among all P. verrucosa harbors high levels of genetic diversity along its bathymetric distribution wi

th vertical and horizontal migration. MCEs from Ludao could potentially act as a refuge and contribute to the replenishment of the shallow water populations following major disturbances, thus benefiting the ecosystem resilience. However, the role of potential refuge is demonstrated here for only one

species and, despite potentially concerning species with similar life history traits at the same location, this role should now be investigated for other scleractinian species and other taxa in order to evaluate if future coral reefs of Taiwan could be functionally similar to their contemporary ree

fs. In conclusion, this study illustrates how the integration of molecular tools is of great importance to evaluate MCEs’ role for future coral reefs and further suggests MCEs around Taiwan should receive more attention and protection, especially in the context of rapid decline of the shallow water

coral reefs.