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Riveting meaning的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Irwin, William寫的 The Meaning of Metallica: Ride the Lyrics 和Mayo, Cassandra Crawley的 Is Your Way in Your Way?: A Self Discovery Guide for Women on How to Restore Your Life, Learn from Experience, and Find Your Tru都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Riveting Meaning in Nepali - AZWordMeaning也說明:Find riveting translation meaning in Nepali with definition from english Nepali dictionary.

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國立高雄科技大學 環境與安全衛生工程系 黃玉立所指導 何美玲的 局部振動的變異特性對暴露評估結果的影響: 以機車行駛為例 (2021),提出Riveting meaning關鍵因素是什麼,來自於局部振動、振動變異特性、機車、暴露評估。

而第二篇論文國立中興大學 中國文學系所 解昆樺所指導 張皓棠的 機器翻譯、流行歌、電影:媒介式文學分析視角下的夏宇詩歌 (2019),提出因為有 基德勒、夏宇、媒介、物質性、噪音的重點而找出了 Riveting meaning的解答。

最後網站riveting - Translation and Meaning in Almaany English Arabic ...則補充:Meaning of riveting, Definition of Word riveting in Almaany Online Dictionary, searched domain is All category, in the dictionary of English Arabic.


除了Riveting meaning,大家也想知道這些:

The Meaning of Metallica: Ride the Lyrics

為了解決Riveting meaning的問題,作者Irwin, William 這樣論述:

A serious look at the lyrics of metal’s biggest band, disentangling double meanings, explaining stories, uncovering sources, and illuminating themes such as hope, despair, rage, resilience, power, liberty, justice, love, death, and insanity.More than 40 years since their formation, and 125 millio

n album sales later, Metallica is as relevant as ever. Much has been written about the band, but The Meaning of Metallica is the first book to focus exclusively on their lyrics.Their mighty guitar riffs and pounding drums are legendary, but Metallica’s words match the intensity of their tunes. Lead

singer James Hetfield writes rock poetry dealing with death, war, addiction, alienation, corruption, freedom, religion, and other weighty topics. Painting a rainbow of emotions with a deft palette, subtle but not obscure, Hetfield’s lyrics deserve careful attention. A master of narrative, Metallica

makes listeners care about a vast array of characters, from a vengeful God, to a suicidal teenager, to a man in mid-life crisis.The Meaning of Metallica is like a riveting conversation with a close friend. A thematic tour de force that traces Hetfield’s lyrical development across the decades, this c

ompanion examines everything from deep cuts like "Confusion" to megahits like "Enter Sandman." Sure to spark debate and discussion, The Meaning of Metallica provides a close reading of lyrics dense with details and rich with allusions.

局部振動的變異特性對暴露評估結果的影響: 以機車行駛為例

為了解決Riveting meaning的問題,作者何美玲 這樣論述:

局部振動是造成職業危害的常見因子,長時間過量暴露可能會引起肌肉骨骼疾病。在局部振動暴露評估中,均方根加速度(root mean square acceleration, arms)為常用的振動暴露指標,不過單一的arms數值,無法反映振動變異特性。文獻中以短時間量測推估長時間之振動暴露量居多,且關於局部振動變異性的探討較為缺乏,短時間量測是否能直接代表長時間之振動暴露量?在文獻中也缺乏相關討論。本研究以機車道路行駛為例,探討騎乘者之局部動暴露及變異特性,以及利用短時間量測結果評估長期局部振動暴露,可能涉及的不確定性。局部振動以Sventack SV 106A振動儀進行量測,以每秒十筆連續量測

三軸頻率加權加速度(ahwx, ahwy, ahwz)及三軸實效加速度(ahv),以探討機車在不同運轉狀態下之局部振動及變異特性;隨後再進行道路行駛量測,評估機車行駛期間的局部振動及變異特性。連續量測紀錄再透過計算累積機率及機率密度函數的方式,評估振動加速度的變異特性,並找尋可描述振動變異特性之指標。此外,連續量測資料,以隨機擷取部分紀錄計算arms,並與全段所得之arms進行比對,以評估短時間量測推估長時間振動暴露量之不確定性。量測結果顯示,機車在怠速時,局部振動現象主要來自機車引擎,振動強度較低且無明顯變異性,三軸實效加速度(ahv)範圍在0.43 - 1.05m/s2,三軸加權均方根加速

度(ahv,rms)在0.61 - 0.62 m/s2之間。8次道路行駛紀錄則顯示,行駛期間機車產生之ahv 在0.42 - 34.27 m/s2之間, ahv,rms則在2.83 - 3.57m/s2之間。連續量測紀錄分析結果顯示,機車騎士局部振動暴露之ahv 呈雙峰分布:怠速運轉期間產生之ahv呈常態分布,平均值為0.85 - 0.91 m/s2,變異係數為10 - 14%;行駛振動期間ahv呈對數常態分布,幾何平均值為2.14 - 2.66 m/s2,幾何標準差為1.67 - 1.79。若以短時間量測結果推估長時間振動暴露量,低估長期局部振動暴露的機率介於37 - 80 %之間,誤差範圍

則介於 -11.4 - 24.5%之間。本研究結果顯示,局部振動的連續量測紀錄,有助於評估局部振動的變異特性。機車行駛間ahv的變異特性,可透過對數常態分佈函數加以描述,幾何標準差可用來描述ahv的變異特性。若以短時間量測結果推估長期振動暴露特性,當震動現象的變異性偏高時,可能會造成低估實際暴露強度的問題。連續量測紀錄將有助於評估局部振動暴露的變異特性,以降低評估結果的不確定性。

Is Your Way in Your Way?: A Self Discovery Guide for Women on How to Restore Your Life, Learn from Experience, and Find Your Tru

為了解決Riveting meaning的問題,作者Mayo, Cassandra Crawley 這樣論述:

Are you feeling stuck, stagnant, or like you are spinning in a toxic cycle of behavior that impedes you from living a joyous, fulfilled life? If you are finding it difficult to move forward, ask the part of you that’s open for a radical change in your life, Is "Your Way" in your Way? To determine

whether you are in that space, ponder these scenarios: are you_ comparing yourself to others, not able to let go of your past, lacking confidence, struggling to define your self-worth, constantly stressed, challenged with physical and mental health, and/or trying to figure out your purpose in life?

We’ve all experienced some or all of those scenarios, but when it becomes all-consuming, it makes you wonder, why am I here?In Cassandra Crawley Mayo’s debut book, she knows about all of those things all too well. She depicts decades of letting her way of behaving, thinking, and attracting get in t

he way of living her best life time and time again until fully submitting to God’s plan and purpose for her. Drawing from her life lessons of being sick and tired of being sick and tired and desiring to make a new life for herself, she accepted His will, not hers. Only then was she able to find her

true self and feel inspired, when she stopped sabotaging what He created her to be.Is ’Your Way" In Your Way provides key messages of hope and inspiration through her riveting storytelling, and conveys what life can be when we surrender to His will. Reading this book will help you discover what God

wants for you, such as a.- Renewed life with significant meaning- Wisdom gained from Christ while navigating your life experiences and executing change- Insight on how your childhood influences an integral part of your adulthood- Clarity on why you should not attempt to quickly escape trials and tri

bulations- Revelation about your true life’s purpose- Intentional encounters with God if your heart desires.- Envisioning yourself being in a good place.- Ability to make a new life for yourself- New perspective about carrying emotional scars and resentments.Get ready to be the person God has intend

ed you to be. You will wonder what took you so long. God has been waiting! Let’s get started on with your self discovery journey by scrolling to the top and click the BUY button. You will find stepping beyond your comfort zone is where the magic happens.


為了解決Riveting meaning的問題,作者張皓棠 這樣論述:

近二十年來,德國媒介文化研究學者基德勒(Friedrich A. Kittler)與其後的媒介考古學(media archaeology)之思辨路徑逐漸在各個領域醞釀學術能量,電影研究、藝術研究乃至文學研究也開始一步步導引其獨特的科技-認識論,探索過往不被注意的媒介影響。本論文即是響應此波媒介研究的熱潮,試圖將當今媒介研究的問題意識導入台灣文學場域的書寫中,以發掘新的問題並提出新的思考。主要將以詩人夏宇的《粉紅色噪音》、《這隻斑馬》、《那隻斑馬》與《第一人稱》為例證,探尋21世紀後詩人在其炫彩斑斕詩集中所賦予的媒介想像,討論詩人是如何將媒介作為牽引「書寫」層次,分析載體上物質性的呼應關係,並


流行歌媒介的呼應關係;第四章「電影與噪點:《第一人稱》的影像敘事及情節推演」將先從「壞照片與詩」著手,分析夏宇如何從壞照片的「刺點(punctum)」中轉引詩句,並討論電影的敘事的畫外音與剪輯技術是如何進入《第一人稱》的書寫中,最後以「疏離(alienation effect)」概念詮釋詩集的斷裂與歧異。透過此次的成果,除了擴張夏宇詩的研究框架外,更希冀透過此次的操作重新定位當今媒介研究與詩學的關係,因為在那詩意的媒合處,媒介已決定了我們的現狀。