PCM1795的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列懶人包和總整理

國立彰化師範大學 化學系 胡景瀚所指導 陳班璟的 以量子化學研究芳香性希夫鹼官能基分子 之光化學與激發態轉移 (2021),提出PCM1795關鍵因素是什麼,來自於芳香性希夫鹼、與時有關密度泛函理論、相對酸解離常數、多組態自洽場理論、圓錐相交、地貌。

而第二篇論文國立中興大學 生物科技學研究所 施明哲所指導 林致成的 闡釋水稻對抗淹水逆境的調控機制 (2019),提出因為有 水稻、淹水的重點而找出了 PCM1795的解答。




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以量子化學研究芳香性希夫鹼官能基分子 之光化學與激發態轉移

為了解決PCM1795的問題,作者陳班璟 這樣論述:

近年來,芳香性希夫鹼作為新一類感測分子在許多類型的偵測上大放異彩,其大多有螢光螯合增強的性質,可用於諸多類型的感測對於有害物質的檢測有極大的幫助,但對於未螯合的芳香性希夫鹼本身的光化學性質就少有著墨,我們進而對其光化學的基本性質產生了濃厚的興趣並能有不同面向的應用。本研究選了12 個芳香性希夫鹼分子其中有兩類作為額外探討取代基效應,研究的內容有激發態分子內質子轉移(ESIPT, excitedstate intramolecular proton transfer)、激發態的質子脫離以及探討圓錐相交(CI, conical intersection) 此類非輻射的非絕熱轉移途徑。第一步使用T

D-DFT 對於12 個分子進行激發態能量與螢光放射強度的基本研究,透過過渡態活化能的計算判斷ESIPT 發生的可能性,以pKa計算探討溶液中脫去質子的可能性,對芳香性希夫鹼於溶劑中可能的型態去做激發後的模擬,觀察其反應和實際實驗的相似性。第二步使用SA-CASSCF計算方法,透過二面扭轉角與地形地貌分析,確認芳香性希夫鹼其圓錐相交的可行性與效率,有效未成對電子數(neff)值在通過圓錐相交時會下降表示因激發造成的電子不成對有所緩解,並以CASPT2 計算單點能量與f 值做為參考。關鍵詞:芳香性希夫鹼、與時有關密度泛函理論、相對酸解離常數、多組態自洽場理論、圓錐相交、地貌


為了解決PCM1795的問題,作者林致成 這樣論述:

The rice SUB1A-1 gene, which encodes a group VII ethylene response factor (ERFVII), plays a pivotal role in rice survival under flooding stress, as well as other abiotic stresses. In Arabidopsis, five ERFVII factors play essential roles in regulating hypoxic responses. A characteristic feature of A

rabidopsis ERFVIIs is a destabilizing N terminus, which functions as an N-degron that targets them for degradation via the oxygen-dependent PRT6 N-end rule pathway of proteolysis (currently has been renamed as N-degron pathway) under normoxia, but permits their stabilization during hypoxia for hypox

ia-responsive signaling. Despite having the canonical N-degron sequence, SUB1A-1 is not under N-end rule regulation, suggesting a distinct hypoxia signaling pathway in rice during submergence. In the first part of this thesis, I identified two other rice ERVIIs genes, ERF66 and ERF67, that are direc

tly transcriptionally up-regulated by SUB1A-1 under submergence. In contrast to SUB1A-1, ERF66 and ERF67 are substrates of the N-end rule pathway and are stabilized under hypoxia to trigger a stronger transcriptional response to promote rice survival under submergence stress. In the second part of t

his thesis, I showed that the C-terminus of SUB1A-1 is important for its escaping from the N-end rule pathway. With sequential truncation of C-terminus of SUB1A-1, I identified a segment of C-terminus of SUB1A-1 that is crucial to the escaping. Together, these results suggest that steric shielding m

ay contribute to the SUB1A-1 escaping.