Nrc的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列懶人包和總整理

Nrc的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Muschara, Tony,Farris, Ronald,Marinus, Jim寫的 Critical Steps: Managing What Must Go Right in High-Risk Operations 和Muschara, Tony,Farris, Ronald,Marinus, Jim的 Critical Steps: Managing What Must Go Right in High-Risk Operations都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Natural Resources Commission - DNR - State of Michigan也說明:The NRC conducts monthly, public meetings in locations throughout Michigan. Citizens are encouraged to become actively involved in these public forums. Contact:.

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立臺南大學 數位學習科技學系碩士在職專班 黃意雯所指導 蘇于珊的 探討認知師徒制融入數位學習之學習成效及自主學習行為-以醫放系實習生學習上腹部超音波病灶辨認為例 (2022),提出Nrc關鍵因素是什麼,來自於認知師徒制、數位學習、學習成效、學習滿意度、自主學習行為。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣海洋大學 食品科學系 張君如、凌明沛所指導 黃桂霞的 臺灣民眾攝食養殖文蛤之安全風險與健康效益評估 (2021),提出因為有 文蛤、無機砷、鉛、危害商數、致癌風險、每週建議攝取量、抗氧化、抑制 α-amylase、抑制 sucrase、脂質累積的重點而找出了 Nrc的解答。

最後網站Inside NRC | S&P Global Platts則補充:Inside NRC delivers news and insight used by industry professionals around the world to track developments in the nuclear power regulation area with a focus ...



Critical Steps: Managing What Must Go Right in High-Risk Operations

為了解決Nrc的問題,作者Muschara, Tony,Farris, Ronald,Marinus, Jim 這樣論述:

Tony Muschara, CPT, is a specialist in the field of human and organizational performance (H&OP), principal consultant and owner of Muschara Error Management Consulting, LLC since 2008. Tony is a Certified Performance Technologist (CPT) awarded by the International Society for Performance Improvement

(2006). Tony is the author of Risk-Based Thinking: Managing the Uncertainty of Human Error in Operations (2018). He authored several nuclear industry publications while employed with the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), most notably Excellence in Human Performance (1997) and the Human

Performance Reference Manual (2006), the latter adopted with revisions by the U.S. Department of Energy as the Human Performance Improvement Handbook (Volume 1). Tony served seven years on active duty in the U.S. Navy submarine service (1975-1982), and while on active duty, Tony qualified in submari

nes (1978) and certified as an Engineer of Naval Nuclear Propulsion Plants by Naval Reactors (1979). Tony holds a Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) from Kennesaw State University (1989) near Atlanta, Georgia, and a Bachelor of Science degree in general engineering (mechanical) from the

United States Naval Academy (1975) in Annapolis, Maryland.Ron Farris is a H&OP specialist, principal consultant and business partner of HOPE Consulting, LLC since 2016 and the Chief Operations Officer at High Reliability Training, Inc. He has authored several department human factors publications an

d technical documents while employed with the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). Ron was previously an adjunct professor at the University of Idaho teaching courses in support of Industrial Technology degree programs and Human Performance Certificate Program. He has provided both practical and classro

om support for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI), Department of Energy (DOE), commercial nuclear and fossil fuel energy sectors, mining, and the fuel and petrochemical industry. Ron spent twenty-seven years at the INL where he was an accident investi

gator, safety engineer, manager of the Center for Human Performance Improvement, and human factors research scientist. He was as a senior reactor operator at Argonne National Laboratory’s Experimental Breeder Reactor II. Ron served eight years on active duty in the U.S. Navy nuclear program (1981-19

89). While on active duty, he qualified on four different navy reactor types and as a Chief Machinery Operator (1985) while aboard the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier. Ron holds a Master of Science degree (MS) with a focus on industrial safety from the University of Idaho (2006) Moscow, Idaho. Jim Marin

us specializes in high-risk operations management, high reliability, and resilience, and is principal consultant and owner of Jamar Operations, LLC (2015-present). When not consulting, Jim is actively involved with the international communities of practice for H&OP, high reliability, and resilience.

Prior to his time as a management consultant, his professional career spanned time with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) (1983-2012) and in the U.S. Navy nuclear submarine service (1974-1983). While employed with the DOE, Jim directed high-risk and multidisciplinary research operations at the Id

aho National Laboratory. He also assisted the National Laboratory community with application of the practices and principles of high reliability, H&OP, and safety culture. Early on, Jim assisted leaders at DOE’s Washington, D.C. headquarters with the development and implementation of technical requi

rements and guidelines that spanned the operations, weapons, global security, science/technology, ESH, radiation protection, and training communities. On temporary assignment to the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations in Atlanta, Georgia (1986-1987), he assisted with the training and accreditation

of power plant training programs. Way back, Jim rode nuclear-powered submarines as a mechanical equipment operator. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in nuclear technology from Excelsior College (1996) in Albany, New York and is a Registered Radiation Protection Technologist (1984).



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為了解決Nrc的問題,作者蘇于珊 這樣論述:



Critical Steps: Managing What Must Go Right in High-Risk Operations

為了解決Nrc的問題,作者Muschara, Tony,Farris, Ronald,Marinus, Jim 這樣論述:

Tony Muschara, CPT, is a specialist in the field of human and organizational performance (H&OP), principal consultant and owner of Muschara Error Management Consulting, LLC since 2008. Tony is a Certified Performance Technologist (CPT) awarded by the International Society for Performance Improvement

(2006). Tony is the author of Risk-Based Thinking: Managing the Uncertainty of Human Error in Operations (2018). He authored several nuclear industry publications while employed with the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), most notably Excellence in Human Performance (1997) and the Human

Performance Reference Manual (2006), the latter adopted with revisions by the U.S. Department of Energy as the Human Performance Improvement Handbook (Volume 1). Tony served seven years on active duty in the U.S. Navy submarine service (1975-1982), and while on active duty, Tony qualified in submari

nes (1978) and certified as an Engineer of Naval Nuclear Propulsion Plants by Naval Reactors (1979). Tony holds a Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) from Kennesaw State University (1989) near Atlanta, Georgia, and a Bachelor of Science degree in general engineering (mechanical) from the

United States Naval Academy (1975) in Annapolis, Maryland.Ron Farris is a H&OP specialist, principal consultant and business partner of HOPE Consulting, LLC since 2016 and the Chief Operations Officer at High Reliability Training, Inc. He has authored several department human factors publications an

d technical documents while employed with the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). Ron was previously an adjunct professor at the University of Idaho teaching courses in support of Industrial Technology degree programs and Human Performance Certificate Program. He has provided both practical and classro

om support for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI), Department of Energy (DOE), commercial nuclear and fossil fuel energy sectors, mining, and the fuel and petrochemical industry. Ron spent twenty-seven years at the INL where he was an accident investi

gator, safety engineer, manager of the Center for Human Performance Improvement, and human factors research scientist. He was as a senior reactor operator at Argonne National Laboratory’s Experimental Breeder Reactor II. Ron served eight years on active duty in the U.S. Navy nuclear program (1981-19

89). While on active duty, he qualified on four different navy reactor types and as a Chief Machinery Operator (1985) while aboard the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier. Ron holds a Master of Science degree (MS) with a focus on industrial safety from the University of Idaho (2006) Moscow, Idaho. Jim Marin

us specializes in high-risk operations management, high reliability, and resilience, and is principal consultant and owner of Jamar Operations, LLC (2015-present). When not consulting, Jim is actively involved with the international communities of practice for H&OP, high reliability, and resilience.

Prior to his time as a management consultant, his professional career spanned time with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) (1983-2012) and in the U.S. Navy nuclear submarine service (1974-1983). While employed with the DOE, Jim directed high-risk and multidisciplinary research operations at the Id

aho National Laboratory. He also assisted the National Laboratory community with application of the practices and principles of high reliability, H&OP, and safety culture. Early on, Jim assisted leaders at DOE’s Washington, D.C. headquarters with the development and implementation of technical requi

rements and guidelines that spanned the operations, weapons, global security, science/technology, ESH, radiation protection, and training communities. On temporary assignment to the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations in Atlanta, Georgia (1986-1987), he assisted with the training and accreditation

of power plant training programs. Way back, Jim rode nuclear-powered submarines as a mechanical equipment operator. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in nuclear technology from Excelsior College (1996) in Albany, New York and is a Registered Radiation Protection Technologist (1984).


為了解決Nrc的問題,作者黃桂霞 這樣論述:

文蛤是國人經常食用的水產品,具有保肝、抗氧化、抗癌及降膽固醇等機能,但養殖環境之重金屬會蓄積於文蛤體中,並依其暴露濃度及暴露族群可能對攝食民眾造成不同程度之危害,因此民眾茫然於食用文蛤是利是弊?本研究採集彰化縣、雲林縣與臺南市之養殖文蛤生樣品24件、熟樣品25件,分別以感應耦合電漿質譜法分析其鎘、鉻、銅、鉛、鐵、錳、硒與鋅之濃度,以高效液相層析再以感應耦合電漿質譜法分析其無機砷與甲基汞之濃度,結合風險評估模式、國家攝食資料庫、美國國家環境保護局與美國加州環境保護局等相關數據,推估國人各年齡層攝取養殖文蛤之食品安全風險。結果顯示,熟文蛤之無機砷平均濃度 (0.609 mg/kg) 高於衛生福利

部食品藥物管理署訂定之食品中污染物質及毒素衛生標準限量標準 (0.5 mg/kg)。整體而言,各年齡層族群攝入文蛤中無機砷所造成之非致癌風險高於其他重金屬,以0-3歲與3-6歲族群為例,攝入熟文蛤中無機砷之危害商數分別為 1.29 與 1.13,可能對人體造成色素沉著症與角化症。此外,本研究亦評估各年齡層族群攝入文蛤中無機砷與鉛之致癌風險,其中無機砷對人體造成之致癌風險大於鉛,0-3歲攝入熟文蛤中無機砷之致癌風險為5.79×10-4,長期食用可能會造成罹患皮膚癌之風險。另一方面將文蛤樣品以0.05% 蛋白酶於37C水解12小時製備水解物 (Hard clam hydrolysate, HCH

)。體外試驗顯示35 mg/mL HCH具抗氧化活性,其清除DPPH能力相當於 117.49 μM Trolox、螯合亞鐵離子能力相當於 95.62 μg/mL EDTA、還原力相當於 97.26 μg/mL Vitamin C。2.19 μg/mL HCH之 α-amylase抑制率為21.75%,但不具α-glucosidase抑制活性。人類腸道Caco-2 細胞以2.19 μg/mL HCH 處理具抑制sucrase 活性 ,相當於 62.5 μg/mL Acarbose。人類肝臟HepG2細胞以HCH處理無法促進葡萄糖攝入,但2.19與17.50 µg/mL HCH可延緩油酸誘導之脂質

蓄積。綜上,除了0-3歲與3-6歲族群攝入熟文蛤中無機砷外,各年齡層攝入文蛤中重金屬之危害商數皆小於1,為可接受風險;各年齡層族群攝入文蛤中無機砷與鉛之致癌風險,皆為不可接受風險。然而,文蛤蛋白水解物具抗氧化、降血糖及延緩非酒精性脂肪肝等活性,建議各年齡層族群適量攝取,每人每週可攝入熟文蛤量,0-3歲、3-6歲、6-12歲、12-16歲、16-18歲、19-65歲、65歲以上分別為 0.95、1.51、2.77、4.22、4.61、4.94及4.66 g/週。本研究成果可提供各年齡層攝取臺灣養殖文蛤之每週建議攝取量、呈現該食用量養殖文蛤潛在之人體健康效益。