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Notion的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Richardson, Sarah (EDT)寫的 The Reform Acts: The Struggle for Democracy 和Richardson, Sarah (EDT)的 The Reform Acts: The Struggle for Democracy都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

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The Reform Acts: The Struggle for Democracy

為了解決Notion的問題,作者Richardson, Sarah (EDT) 這樣論述:

The Reform Acts: The Struggle for Democracy, traces the progression of parliamentary and electoral reform during a transformational period of British history between 1760 and 1918. The four-volume collection considers early calls for electoral reform and the motivations behind these as well as th

e responses of those opposed to change. The many facets of reform debated over the period are assessed, including economic reform, the secret ballot, proportional representation, removal of electoral corruption, and universal male and female suffrage. Contributions of key political actors are also a

nalysed including those from John Wilkes, Charles James Fox, William Pitt the Younger, Henry Hunt, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Daniel O'Connell, William Lovett, Annie Besant, Christabel Pankhurst and James Keir Hardie. Alongside these familiar names are the voices of the poor, the unsung, and the unknown

who made impassioned pleas either for or against reform. The volumes acknowledge that the implications of constitutional change reached far beyond Westminster and so examine the impact on Scotland, Ireland and Wales, along with developments in the British Empire. The notion of citizenship (and who i

s fit to be a proper citizen) infused discussions from the mid-eighteenth century onwards. Should property, education, class, race, religion or gender be distinguishing characteristics of those possessing the franchise? And who should decide? These were debates taking place in Parliament but also on

the streets, in the pubs and coffee houses, at the workplace and in the home. The documents selected represent a fascinating snapshot of issues that captivated men and women across Britain for decades.


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為了解決Notion的問題,作者周穎 這樣論述:




The Reform Acts: The Struggle for Democracy

為了解決Notion的問題,作者Richardson, Sarah (EDT) 這樣論述:

The Reform Acts: The Struggle for Democracy, traces the progression of parliamentary and electoral reform during a transformational period of British history between 1760 and 1918. The four-volume collection considers early calls for electoral reform and the motivations behind these as well as th

e responses of those opposed to change. The many facets of reform debated over the period are assessed, including economic reform, the secret ballot, proportional representation, removal of electoral corruption, and universal male and female suffrage. Contributions of key political actors are also a

nalysed including those from John Wilkes, Charles James Fox, William Pitt the Younger, Henry Hunt, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Daniel O'Connell, William Lovett, Annie Besant, Christabel Pankhurst and James Keir Hardie. Alongside these familiar names are the voices of the poor, the unsung, and the unknown

who made impassioned pleas either for or against reform. The volumes acknowledge that the implications of constitutional change reached far beyond Westminster and so examine the impact on Scotland, Ireland and Wales, along with developments in the British Empire. The notion of citizenship (and who i

s fit to be a proper citizen) infused discussions from the mid-eighteenth century onwards. Should property, education, class, race, religion or gender be distinguishing characteristics of those possessing the franchise? And who should decide? These were debates taking place in Parliament but also on

the streets, in the pubs and coffee houses, at the workplace and in the home. The documents selected represent a fascinating snapshot of issues that captivated men and women across Britain for decades.


為了解決Notion的問題,作者謝秉瑾 這樣論述:

貝氏最佳化 (Bayesian optimization, BO) 通常依賴於手工製作的採集函數 (acqui- sition function, AF) 來決定採集樣本點順序。然而已經廣泛觀察到,在不同類型的黑 盒函數 (black-box function) 下,在後悔 (regret) 方面表現最好的採集函數可能會有很 大差異。 設計一種能夠在各種黑盒函數中獲得最佳性能的採集函數仍然是一個挑戰。 本文目標在通過強化學習與少樣本學習來製作採集函數(few-shot acquisition function, FSAF)來應對這一挑戰。 具體來說,我們首先將採集函數的概念與 Q 函數 (Q

-function) 聯繫起來,並將深度 Q 網路 (DQN) 視為採集函數。 雖然將 DQN 和現有的小樣本 學習方法相結合是一個自然的想法,但我們發現這種直接組合由於嚴重的過度擬合(overfitting) 而表現不佳,這在 BO 中尤其重要,因為我們需要一個通用的採樣策略。 為了解決這個問題,我們提出了一個 DQN 的貝氏變體,它具有以下三個特徵: (i) 它 基於 Kullback-Leibler 正則化 (Kullback-Leibler regularization) 框架學習 Q 網絡的分佈(distribution) 作為採集函數這本質上提供了 BO 採樣所需的不確定性並減輕了

過度擬 合。 (ii) 對於貝氏 DQN 的先驗 (prior),我們使用由現有被廣泛使用的採集函數誘導 學習的演示策略 (demonstration policy),以獲得更好的訓練穩定性。 (iii) 在元 (meta) 級別,我們利用貝氏模型不可知元學習 (Bayesian model-agnostic meta-learning) 的元 損失 (meta loss) 作為 FSAF 的損失函數 (loss function)。 此外,通過適當設計 Q 網 路,FSAF 是通用的,因為它與輸入域的維度 (input dimension) 和基數 (cardinality) 無 關。通過廣

泛的實驗,我們驗證 FSAF 在各種合成和現實世界的測試函數上實現了與 最先進的基準相當或更好的表現。