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Java split s的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦洪錦魁寫的 Python面試題目與解答:邁向高薪之路 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站How to split a string with any whitespace chars as delimiters也說明:In Java, you can use the split() method of the String class to split a string based on a regular expression. To split a string on any whitespace characters ...

臺北醫學大學 保健營養學系博士班 張榮素所指導 NOOR ROHMAH MAYASARI的 台灣懷孕婦女紅血球生成相關營養素缺乏之流行病學研究: 盛行率與飲食型態 (2021),提出Java split s關鍵因素是什麼,來自於Erythropoiesis-related nutritional deficiencies、Dietary pattern、Pre-pregnancy body mass index、Iron deficiency anemia、Foods and nutrients、Hepcidin、Pregnancy。

而第二篇論文國立高雄科技大學 電子工程系 李財福所指導 劉昭宏的 使用超參數穩健優化邏輯斯迴歸與隨機森林演算法預測淨膚雷射所導致發炎後色素沉著併發症之風險 (2020),提出因為有 發炎後色素沉著併發症、機器學習、最小絕對壓縮挑選法、邏輯斯迴歸、隨機森林、網格搜尋法、傾向分數配對的重點而找出了 Java split s的解答。

最後網站2 ways to Split String with Dot (.) in Java using Regular ...則補充:Splitting String by Dot in Java using Regular Expression ... String textfile = "ReadMe.txt"; String filename = textfile.split("\\.")[0]; String extension = ...


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為了解決Java split s的問題,作者洪錦魁 這樣論述:

  展開程式設計師的就業廣告,幾乎都是以Python語言為主流,這本書則是收集國內外各大主流公司的熱門考試主題,Leetcode考題以及筆者認為學習Python應該了解的主流觀念,全部以極詳細、超清楚的程式實例解說,期待讀者可以錄取全球著名企業獲得高薪。     Python工程師面試第一個主題當然是測試面試者對於Python語言的瞭解與熟悉程度,內行的面試主管可以經由面試者對於下列Python重點與特色的理解程度,可以很輕易了解面試者Python功力如何?是不是具備真正Python工程師的資格?     ●認識Python特色   ●跳脫Java、C/C++邏輯,從Python觀念設計

程式   ●串列(元組)切片(slicing)、打包(packing)、解包(unpacking)   ●認識何謂可迭代物件(iterator object)   ●認識生成式(generator)   ●認識字典、集合操作   ●類別與模組   ●正則表達式        面試時間通常不會太長,面試的另一個重點是考演算法,一個看似簡單的題目描述往往暗藏豐富的演算法知識,這時就是訓練讀者的邏輯與思考的能力,在這本書筆者也使用了極豐富與廣泛的演算法題目,詳細說明解題過程,至少在面試時讀者碰上類似考題可以輕鬆面對,在極短的面試時間完成解題,本書的演算法考題包含下列內容:     ●排序與搜尋   

●字串   ●陣列   ●鏈結串列   ●二元樹   ●堆疊與回溯   ●數學問題   ●深度、廣度優先搜尋   ●最短路徑演算法   ●貪婪演算法   ●動態規劃演算法       整本書除了內容豐富,適合Python面試工程師外,也可以增強讀者Python功力。   本書特色     這是國內第一本針對Python工程師考試的圖書。

台灣懷孕婦女紅血球生成相關營養素缺乏之流行病學研究: 盛行率與飲食型態

為了解決Java split s的問題,作者NOOR ROHMAH MAYASARI 這樣論述:

Objective: Anemia and obesity are the most common type of nutritional disease worldwide. Pregnancy is in the phase of rapid weight gain and increased iron demand. Insufficient intake of erythropoiesis-related nutrients such as iron, protein, folate, and vitamin B12 contributes to anemia and iron de

ficiency anemia (IDA). Hepcidin is the essential regulator of iron homeostasis but its expression is upregulated by obesity. Currently, how the hepcidin is regulated during pregnancy and how obesity affects gestational IDA remains unclear. The broad aim of this study is to investigates the relations

hip among hepcidin, pre-pregnancy body mass index (pBMI), erythropoiesis-related nutrient deficiency and its associated dietary pattern among pregnant women. The specific aims of each study were to investigate: study 1) relationship between pBMI, hepcidin and erythropoiesis-related nutritional defic

iencies, study 2) association between food and nutrient intake and serum hepcidin and the risk of gestational IDA, study 3) erythropoiesis-related nutritional deficiencies associated dietary pattern.Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted using data from the Nationwide Nutrition and Health S

urvey in pregnant women, Taiwan (NAHSIT-PW 2017-2019). In total, 1520 pregnant women aged 15 to 48 years were recruited. Data were collected during the prenatal checkup, including sociodemographic characteristics, dietary intake (24-hour dietary recall, and food frequency questionnaire), and blood b

iochemistry. Dietary pattern was identified by the reduced rank regression (RRR) model. Adjusted multivariate linear and logistic regression were performed to estimate the beta coefficient (ß) and 95% confidence interval (CI) of serum hepcidin and the odds ratio (OR) of anemia, IDA and multiple eryt

hropoiesis-related nutritional deficiencies (iron deficiency, folate depletion, and vitamin B12 deficiency).Results: The mean age of pregnant women was 32.56 ± 4.69 years and the mean pBMI was 22.67 ± 4.00 kg/m2. The prevalence of anemia, IDA and multiple erythropoiesis-related nutritional deficienc

ies were 24.6%, 16.1%, and 16.7%, respectively. Study (1) gestational hepcidin concentrations were significantly positively correlated with pBMI among pregnant women. A U-shape association between pBMI and the prevalence of mild and severe nutritional deficiency related to erythropoiesis, including

anemia and IDA. Compared to normal weight, obese pregnant women had 3.4-fold higher odds for developing multiple nutritional deficiencies related to erythropoiesis, while UW individuals had the lowest odds (0.3). Study (2) positive trends between serum hepcidin concentrations with the intake frequen

cy of Chinese dim sum and related foods (β = 0.037) and dark leafy vegetables (β = 0.013), but hepcidin concentrations were inversely correlated with noodles and related products (β = −0.022) among IDA pregnant women. Food-hepcidin relationships seem to be dependent on the iron status of pregnant wo

men. Total carbohydrates, carbohydrate-rich foods (rice/rice porridge), vegetables (dark leafy vegetables, and gourds/shoots/root vegetables) predicted the risk of ID or IDA. In contrast, dietary protein, total dietary fiber, and to a lesser extent, dietary iron protected against gestational IDA. Th

e risk association between increased vegetable consumption and IDA is reduced with an increased vitamin C intake (p-trend = 0.024). Study (3) Individuals with higher intake frequencies of breakfast cereals/oats and related products, total vegetables, soybean products, nut/seeds, and fresh fruits, bu

t lower intake of bread/its products, and processed meat products had 25.2% [OR:0.748; 95% CI: 0.623-0.900, p=0.002] and 38.6% [OR: 0.614; 95% CI: 0.473-0.797; p


為了解決Java split s的問題,作者劉昭宏 這樣論述:

目的 : 本研究主要針對接受Q-Switched 1064 nm銣雅鉻雷射治療之女性患者,根據患者臨床資料以及風險因子,採用人工智慧技術分析術後產生發炎後色素沉著併發症(Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, PIH)之風險因子。材料與方法 :本研究收集219位從2015年1月至2017年1月期間接受淨膚雷射技術之女性患者資料,以回溯性方式進行評估,並以標準分數(Z-Score)排除了23筆判斷為離群值之患者資料,針對剩餘196位接受淨膚雷射手術患者之資料樣本,以監督式機器學習分類演算法評估風險因子,並使用標準化(Standardization)進行資料前處理

優化演算法之預測結果。風險因子共有15項,包括年齡、黑斑、膚色分級、顴骨斑、斑塊、痤瘡、毛孔、雷射劑量、雷射模式、皮表反應、雷射治療次數、彩衝光、果酸換膚、超音波導入、皮膚照護。接著透過最小絕對壓縮挑選法(Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, LASSO)與隨機森林(Random forest, RF)進行風險因子之重要性排序,逐步建立邏輯斯迴歸(Logistic regression, LR)、隨機森林演算法之分類模型,並搭配階層式迴歸分析(Hierarchical regression)選取預測因子,最後以網格搜尋法(Grid s

earch)進行演算法模型之穩健優化,並根據準確率(Accuracy, ACC)、受試者曲線下面積(Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, AUC)與陰性預測值(Negative predictive value, NPV)評估演算法準確性,在初步評估模型之準確率後,以LASSO選取之預測因子進行傾向分數配對,進一步探討各項預測因子對於患者接受淨膚雷射手術後發生PIH之因果關係。結果 : 本研究經由兩種特徵挑選演算法對預測因子進行重要性排序,LASSO挑選的前五項因子分別為痤瘡、皮膚照護、皮表反應、超音波導入、毛孔,其中超

音波導入與毛孔對患者發生PIH之勝算比分別為0.62與0.54,呈現為負相關;痤瘡、皮膚照護、皮表反應對患者發生PIH之勝算比分別為6.134、1.186、1.667,呈現為正相關。LASSO挑選之預測因子以及隨機森林挑選之預測因子之演算法,對於以全部風險因子所建立之演算法之優化結果如下:邏輯斯迴歸模型從AUC: 0.708提升為AUC: 0.736;以隨機森林挑選之預測因子建立的隨機森林模型從AUC:0.732提升為AUC:0.781。針對LASSO挑選結果進行網格搜尋之優化結果如下:邏輯斯迴歸模型從AUC: 0.736提升為AUC:0.821;針對隨機森林挑選結果進行網格搜尋之優化結果如下

:隨機森林模型從AUC: AUC: 0.781提升為AUC:0.839。隨機森林挑選之預測因子所建立的穩健化模型之AUC高於以LASSO挑選之預測因子所建立的穩健化模型約0.018。並基於階層式迴歸分析之結果可得知隨機森林在使用皮膚照護、雷射治療次數、年齡、雷射劑量、痤瘡等五項特徵因子進行預測時會達到最大的AUC增益,因此一併將隨機森林挑選之因子與LASSO挑選之因子以傾向分數配對進一步分析這些因子與PIH之關係。經過傾向分數調整後病患資料之特徵分布結果皆非常類似,所有特徵之統計檢定p值皆大於0.05,顯示在統計學上無顯著的差異,再將配對後的八筆資料透過邏輯斯迴歸分析計算勝算比,計算結果為痤瘡

、皮膚照護、皮表反應、超音波導入、毛孔、年齡及雷射治療次數分別為16.429、3.732、3.566、2.105、1.748、2.190、2.546,其中年雷射劑量之勝算比皆趨近於1,將針對這八項特徵之相關程度進行近一步的探討其對於PIH之影響。 結論 : 本研究所使用的超參數穩健優化大幅提升了演算法分類模型的準確度,我們所提出的LTCP模型能夠準確地判斷接受全臉淨膚雷射治療之患者在術後發生PIH之可能性,可做為臨床醫師判斷患者治療情況之協助工具。實驗結果呈現了使用LASSO和隨機森林挑選出的特徵所建立的模型,在使用網格搜尋法優化超參數後使模型的準確率有了更高的提升,LASSO之AUC: 0.

821,隨機森林之AUC: 0.839,二者的AUC評估指標僅相差0.018,且相較於超參數優化前更加具備了穩健性。因此建議臨床醫師在使用銣雅鉻雷射進行臉部淨膚治療時可將本研究之結果做為參考依據,多加注重患者之痤瘡、皮膚照護、皮表反應、超音波導入、毛孔、年齡、雷射治療次數、雷射劑量等八個因子,以降低患者於淨膚雷射手術後發生PIH之風險。關鍵詞 :發炎後色素沉著併發症、機器學習、最小絕對壓縮挑選法、邏輯斯迴歸、隨機森林、網格搜尋法、傾向分數配對。