As otherwise的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列懶人包和總整理

As otherwise的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Runge, Laura L.寫的 Quantitative Literary Analysis of Aphra Behn’’s Works 和Santos, Denise,Silva, Gláucia V.的 Práticas Textuais: Escrita, Oralidade E Pensamento Crítico都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站except as otherwise noted 中文 - 查查在線詞典也說明:except as otherwise noted中文:除非另有說明…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋except as otherwise noted的中文翻譯,except as otherwise noted的發音,音標, ...

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立屏東大學 行銷與流通管理學系數位行銷碩士在職專班 林俊昇所指導 謝欣諧的 從網路輿情聲量分析國軍招募之策略 (2021),提出As otherwise關鍵因素是什麼,來自於社群媒體、輿情分析、社群口碑、招募。

而第二篇論文明新科技大學 工業工程與管理系碩士班 呂博裕所指導 林麗敏的 COVID-19疫情下實施同步式遠距教學之關鍵因素分析 (2021),提出因為有 COVID-19疫情、同步式遠距教學、關鍵因素、層級分析法、層級分析法的重點而找出了 As otherwise的解答。

最後網站as otherwise stated中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網則補充:英漢例句. Except as otherwise stated in the Contract, wherever any Permanent Works are to be measured from records, these shall be prepared by the Engineer.


除了As otherwise,大家也想知道這些:

Quantitative Literary Analysis of Aphra Behn’’s Works

為了解決As otherwise的問題,作者Runge, Laura L. 這樣論述:

Aphra Behn (1640-1689), prolific and popular playwright, poet, novelist, and translator, has a fascinating and extensive corpus of literature that plays a key role in literary history. The book offers an analysis of all of Behn’s literary output. It examines the author’s use of words in terms of

frequencies and distributions, and stacks the oeuvre in order to read Behn’s word usage synchronically. This experimental analysis of Behn’s literary corpus aims to provide a statistical overview of Behn’s writing and a study of her works according to the logic of the concordance. The analysis demon

strates the interpretive potential of digital corpus work, and it provides a fascinating reading of synchronic patterns in Behn’s writing. The book aims to augment the practice of close-reading by facilitating the rapid moves from full corpus to unique subsets, individual texts, and specific passage

s. It facilitates the connections among works that share verbal structures that would otherwise not register in diachronic reading. Each chapter focuses on one type of writing: poetry, drama, and prose. The chapters begin with an overview of the documents that make up the corpus for the genre (e.g.

the 80 published poems attributed to Behn in her lifetime; 18 plays and 12 prose works). A section on statistical commonplaces follows (length of texts, vocabulary density, and most frequent words). Interesting textual examples are explored in more detail for provocative close readings. The statisti

cs then are contextualized with the general language reference corpus for a discussion of keywords. Each chapter features a unique comparative study that illustrates Behn in a specific context. Each chapter analyzes a specific genre and comparative statistical experiments within the genre. The concl

usion compares all three genres to provide a study of Aphra Behn’s oeuvre as a whole. The discussion is focused through the lens of Behn’s most remarkable words. The keywords for her oeuvre as compared to the literary works in the general language reference (fifteen texts) when the proper names and

stage directions are removed to provide an index of Behn’s characteristic themes and qualities: oh, young, lover, love, marry, charming, heart, gay, soft, goes. Each of these words opens a window on her corpus as a whole. A unique case study of a significant author using new literary methodologies,

this book provides an appealing snapshot of Behn’s whole career informed by deep knowledge of the Restoration era and developments in digital humanities and cultural analytics.

As otherwise進入發燒排行的影片

今回は「命がけで電話する女性 | ネイティブ英語が聞き取れるようになる | 英会話を学ぼう」です。












【日本語&英語字幕】海外ドラマ&映画『エマ・ワトソン/Emma Watson/美女と野獣』で英語を学ぼう【解説付き】/ 英語脳・英会話

【日本語&英語字幕】海外ドラマ&映画『エマ・ワトソン/Emma Watson/ハリーポッター/美女と野獣』で英語を学ぼう【解説付き】/ Harry Potter / 英語脳・英会話

【日本語&英語字幕】海外ドラマ&映画『エマ・ワトソン/Emma Watson/美女と野獣』で英語を学ぼう【解説付き】/ 英語脳・英会話 / ハリーポッター

【日本語&英語字幕】海外ドラマ『フレンズ/FRIENDS』で英語を学ぼう【解説付き】/ 英語脳・英会話








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#ネイティブ英語 #日本語字幕 #英語字幕 #英語 #英会話


為了解決As otherwise的問題,作者謝欣諧 這樣論述:

  隨著網際網路及通訊科技的快速發展,網路社群的發展,改變了現代人的閱讀及生活習慣,在資訊爆炸的情況下,傳統的新聞媒播方式已逐漸式微,社群媒體(臉書Facebook、IG、LINE、Youtube)等隨著發展成為一種新興的公關工具,對我國軍而言,如何運用相關的媒播方式來建立軍民溝通管道並強化彼此關係,亦成為重要課題,社群媒體的運用和經營在新聞處理上宛如一把雙面刃,是危機亦是轉機,運用得宜即成效加分,反之則會使自身陷入更大的危機。  然而,在當前媒體競爭激烈的環境下,加上日漸便利的行動網路傳輸工具,進而演變了社群媒體的廣泛使用,相對的讓公民媒體日漸茁壯,上述情形都顯示了在當前環境下,國軍該如何

應用社群媒體打造軍民溝通平台及實施網路輿情觀測,可謂當務之急。  網路輿情如潮水一般,水可載舟亦可覆舟,國軍招募遇到的困境不外乎是社會新鮮人對於國軍工作環境的遲疑及職涯發展存疑,所以必須先從建立國軍優良形象開始,如何在面臨負面新聞及危機時適時地說明或處置;另透過輿情分析即時瞭解畢業生及職場新鮮人對於國軍職業的重點問題掌握及工作需求,如在國軍職涯發展方面,建立透明升遷管道,讓官兵有感進而推廣至新鮮人,進而提升國軍整體招募生效。  綜上所言,本研究將針對當前環境下利用網路輿情聲量分析國軍招募之策略,以提供國軍招募政策修正。

Práticas Textuais: Escrita, Oralidade E Pensamento Crítico

為了解決As otherwise的問題,作者Santos, Denise,Silva, Gláucia V. 這樣論述:

Organized around themes of particular relevance for Portuguese language learners, this textbook develops students’ writing competence in a range of textual genres and features sources drawn from across the Portuguese-speaking world--literary, journalistic, or otherwise. Práticas textuais also pro

vides the opportunity for a review of typically challenging elements of grammar, such as the contrast between indicative and subjunctive moods and compound verbal tenses, and helps learners progress from advanced-low to advanced-midlevel proficiency, according to the ACTFL guidelines, or from level

B2 to C1, following the CEFR. Online components accompany the text, including reviews for each lesson, audio files and scripts, and answers to textbook activities, as well as teaching suggestions for instructors.


為了解決As otherwise的問題,作者林麗敏 這樣論述:

新冠病毒疫情全球大爆發,許多校園在疫情期間不開放校區,被強制停止校內上課,改採線上遠距教學,學生居家遠端學習不到校,這突發的狀況著實對教育造成巨大的損失及影響。許多證據顯示,因新冠病毒疫情而改變的學習模式在兒童與年輕人中,引起了高比例的焦慮與抑鬱。本研究以層級分析法建立同步式遠距教學評估模式,並以國高中教師與學生家長為研究對象,研究目的為:採用次級資料分析與專家訪談法,以羅列實施同步式遠距教學之評估因素;篩選了評估因素後,再以層級分析法分析其評估因素相對權重,以瞭解國高中實施同步式遠距教學後,於真正使用者所期望能改善之關鍵因素。整體專家問卷評估結果顯示,第二層級 (即構面) 之相對重要性以「
