美 商 Infor的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列懶人包和總整理

靜宜大學 寰宇管理碩士學位學程 何淑熏 所指導 施美雅的 COVID-19 影響奥地利鄉村旅遊行銷策略與對策的目的地管理 (2021),提出美 商 Infor關鍵因素是什麼,來自於。

而第二篇論文國立高雄科技大學 企業管理系 余銘忠所指導 曹博軒的 應用DEA衡量新冠疫情期間台灣工具機廠商之營運效率 (2021),提出因為有 工具機產業、資料包絡分析法、麥氏生產力指數、Tobin's Q的重點而找出了 美 商 Infor的解答。


除了美 商 Infor,大家也想知道這些:

COVID-19 影響奥地利鄉村旅遊行銷策略與對策的目的地管理

為了解決美 商 Infor的問題,作者施美雅 這樣論述:

Rural tourism is the most important form of tourism in Austria. In the past years, the tourism industry had been growing and an increasing number of tourists have already visited fa- mous places and wish to discover alternative destinations that are less frequented by other travelers. As a growing

number of people live in urban regions, many tourists want to expe- rience a change of scenery when they travel and are therefore attracted to rural areas to spend their vacation there. In 2020, the COVID-19 crisis has caused a collapse of the pre- viously flourishing tourism industry. Travel restri

ctions, nationwide lockdowns and constant uncertainty have challenged tourism businesses and destinations during the pandemic. When businesses had to stop their operations, managers were required to apply crisis man- agement techniques and to show resilience that they had built in the pre-crisis sta

ge.The aim of this study is to identify how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected rural tourism in Austria and how tourism businesses can build resilience for times of crisis. Furthermore, this research intends to detect opportunities for tourism destinations in rural regions of Aus- tria that have res

ulted from the crisis. Finally, the objective of this paper is to derive strate- gies for destination management organizations to overcome the crisis and to be prepared for tourism in the post COVID-19 era.The empirical part of this study has been conducted as semi-structured expert interviews. A to

tal of nine in-depth interviews were conducted. Five of them were held with represent- atives of innovative tourism businesses that operate in rural regions of Austria, and four were conducted with experts from rural destination management organizations.The findings of this study demonstrate that th

e major impacts of COVID-19 on rural tourism in Austria were a loss in revenue due to a pause of business operations during the lock- downs, and a change in the guest structure from international tourists to domestic tourists. The tourism businesses have built resilience by making sure to keep emplo

yees motivated, even though the businesses were temporally closed. Moreover, some tourism businesses have learnt from past crises and could apply their gained knowledge in the management of the current pandemic. A diversification of income streams helped companies financially, as they were not depen

dent on one single source of income. Finally, a good relationship to customers increases customer loyalty and encourages the visitors’ will to support a busi- ness in times of crisis.Further outcomes show that rural tourism in Austria is expected to grow in popularity and that there is likely to be

a lack of employees in tourism after the COVID-19 pandemic. In- dustry experts perceive that tourists have an increased desire to be outdoors and to spend time in nature. Travelers have shown augmented appreciation for the feeling of freedom and the personal space provided by rural regions. This cau

sed a shift in their priorities and a change in the consumer behavior. For many tourists, high quality, regionality and safety now play a more important role than the price of the holiday. Hence, rural tourism destina- tions need to focus on growth in terms of quality rather than a growth in terms o

f quantity. This is reconfirmed by the fact that tourists demand more personal space for themselves and their families and tend to avoid sharing common spaces with other guests for safety reasons. Additionally, sustainability plays in increasingly important role, as tourists are be- coming more awar

e of the impact of their behavior. Tourism development needs to focus on sustainable growth that mitigates a negative impact on the environment, the local com- munity, the cultural heritage, and the natural environment. In order to achieve this, all stake- holders need to be included in tourism plan

ning and work on a common goal. As rural tour- ism in Austria is expected to have a prosperous future, it is crucial to implement visitor flow management techniques to reduce negative consequences of overtourism.The COVID-19 crisis brings several opportunities for rural tourism in Austria. As there

is a rising work-from-home trend, destinations may create business and leisure offers that fulfill the needs of people who need to work when they travel. Health has become a center of attention and many tourists take care of their health by eating healthy, doing sports, and spending time in nature.

Especially health and wellness offers in natural surroundings may attract visitors in the post COVID-19 era. Camping and glamping are trending forms of tour- ism as they combine personal space with the feeling of being outdoors and in nature. More- over, offering regional food experiences where tour

ists get to know local producers and consume regionally produced meals responds to several trends and desires of tourists. Fi- nally, smart specialization by focusing on a specific niche and serving the needs of a very specific target group is aligned with the objective of qualitative growth and shi

fting away from mass tourism.


為了解決美 商 Infor的問題,作者曹博軒 這樣論述:

工具機產業在2018~2020年間除了受到中美貿易及新冠疫情的衝擊下,造成整體工具機業的在外銷方面受到了影響外。也受到各國因新冠疫情影響下導致原物料短缺,這些都會使公司在營運及生產等方面受到影響。本研究應用資料包絡分析法來分析企業的營運效率及應用Tobin’s Q分析企業的績效。本次研究對象為2017~2020年台灣12間上市櫃工具機之企業,在資料蒐集方面,主要是透過台灣經濟新報資料庫(TEJ)及從各公司財務報表中蒐集研究所需的資料,應用資料包絡分析法來衡量營運效率,並且以員工人數、固定資產、研發費用為投入項、以內外銷值、每股盈餘為產出項,來衡量2017~2020台灣上市櫃工具機12間企業之

營運效率及生產力之變化,並且利用Tobin’s Q來衡量台灣12間上市櫃工具機企業之企業績效。研究結果發現2017~2020年間四年皆為相對有效率公司分別為喬福、程泰、百德、恩德。生產力變化結果顯示,台灣在2017~2020這段期間的平均麥氏生產力指數(MPI)為0.962,技術效率變動為0.920及技術變革指數為1.047,表示台灣在2017至2020年這段期間的生產力及技術效率雖呈現退步但在技術是呈現進步的。而在Tobin’s Q的結果中發現,台灣工具機企業在2017至2020年這期間的Q值皆為小於1,表示台灣工具機之企業績效在這4年間表現得較差,其中在這四年中唯一每年Q值皆大於1的公司只

有力山公司。關鍵詞:工具機產業、資料包絡分析法、麥氏生產力指數、Tobin’s Q