SQL WHERE IN (SELECT的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列懶人包和總整理

SQL WHERE IN (SELECT的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦甘長春寫的 MySQL資料庫管理實戰 和Schwichtenberg, Holger的 Modern Data Access With Entity Framework Core: Database Programming Techniques for .net, .net Core, Uwp, and Xamarin With C#都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自人民郵電出版社 和所出版 。

長庚大學 商管專業學院 郭珍利、趙學忻所指導 Yaya Darboe的 探索甘比亞警察運用國家中央犯罪資料庫之研究 (2020),提出SQL WHERE IN (SELECT關鍵因素是什麼,來自於no。

而第二篇論文淡江大學 土木工程學系碩士班 范素玲所指導 王薇珊的 應用擴增實境於建築物之設施維護管理之研究 (2020),提出因為有 擴增實境、設施維護管理的重點而找出了 SQL WHERE IN (SELECT的解答。


除了SQL WHERE IN (SELECT,大家也想知道這些:


為了解決SQL WHERE IN (SELECT的問題,作者甘長春 這樣論述:

《MySQL資料庫管理實戰》詳細介紹了MySQL資料庫管理從入門到實戰在內的所有知識。《MySQL資料庫管理實戰》共分為18章,主要介紹了MySQL資料庫的系統管理與基本操作,MySQL資料庫的流程式控制制及函數、日期時間處理、分組統計、多表聯合操作,以及MySQL資料庫的內部工作原理、存儲引擎、事務處理、存儲程序開發、備份恢復、性能優化等內容。 《MySQL資料庫管理實戰》步驟詳細,示例豐富,以實戰為主,講解直擊MySQL資料庫的本質,特別適合有志於從事資料庫開發與設計的入門級讀者閱讀。本書還可以供開設了資料庫課程的高等院校的師生閱讀,以及作為相關IT培訓機構的參考圖書


為了解決SQL WHERE IN (SELECT的問題,作者Yaya Darboe 這樣論述:

Since the establishment of The Gambia Police Force (GPF) in the late 1960s after the end of the colonial-led administration, the national law enforcement body can execute its functions against all the odds in fighting and controlling crime within the jurisdiction. Unlike before in the old days when

people view the police as a department for illiterates and school dropouts, the GPF is today enlisted of officers with recognized qualifications and skills to the extent that with the necessary supporting equipment, tools, and other law enforcement gargets, the institution can easily be transformed

to a modern and professional police department.However, despite some of the significant gains obtained over the years, substantial challenges need to be addressed for a smooth realization of both short and strategic objectives. The traditional or manual method of police operations with regards to d

ata generation, storage, and retrieval can retard both efficiency and productivity in the sense that much time will be consumed, accuracy will be compromised, delay of information sharing, long and tedious investigation time and process and a host of others.The aim of this study, among a host of oth

ers, is to reveal the current information management practice at The Gambia Police Force with a view of proposing the use of an electronic Central National Criminal Database for the institution in its day-to-day operations. This would not only help the police to be communicating on a single platform

but will significantly improve the investigation process of cases by allowing investigators to conduct verifications and matching of suspects just by the press of a button and more importantly, the set of possible suspects can always be narrowed down to one specific group thereby saving time and in

crease the chances of arresting the right person.The study uses a descriptive approach using primary data obtained from the results of questionnaires answered by the respondents. A brief description and uses of the Police National Database, PND of the United Kingdom, Automated Electronic Criminal Re

cord System of South Africa, and the police Database of the INTERPOL is discussing to draw lessons from as to how information technology can improve law enforcement operations.The study reveals that the GPF is operating purely on the manual method of information management with no central communicat

ion medium that can connect and update all people officers at once and where police officers can make entries of important police-related items such as wanted suspects, vehicles, fingerprints, booking time to and from the scene of the crime. From the results, it can be realized that the bulk of such

information is booked in the station diary, which each police station would maintain as an information bank for reference and other purposes. This remote and straightforward system will not only require the use of valuable time and energy but can also lead to the long duration of the investigation,

high chance of inaccuracy, and inefficient means of command and control of men by senior police officers whose role is mainly to supervise the work of the junior ones. Therefore, the use of a central electronic medium for the management of key and relevant data will generally improve the institutio

n’s service delivery by improving all aspects of police operations, especially on the investigation side.

Modern Data Access With Entity Framework Core: Database Programming Techniques for .net, .net Core, Uwp, and Xamarin With C#

為了解決SQL WHERE IN (SELECT的問題,作者Schwichtenberg, Holger 這樣論述:

C# developers, here's your opportunity to learn the ins-and-outs of Entity Framework Core, Microsoft's recently redesigned object-relational mapper. Benefit from hands-on learning that will teach you how to tackle frustrating database challenges, such as workarounds to missing features in Entity Fra

mework Core, and learn how to optimize the performance of your applications, head-on Modern Data Access with Entity Framework Core teaches best practices, guidance, and shortcuts that will significantly reduce the amount of resources you internally dedicate to programming data access code. The prove

n methods and tools taught in this book, such as how to get better performance, and the ability to select the platform of your choice, will save you valuable time and allow you to create seamless data access. Dive into succinct guidance that covers the gamut-- from installing Entity Framework Core,

reverse engineering, forward engineering (including schema migrations), and data reading and modification with LINQ, Dynamic LINQ, SQL, Stored Procedures, and Table Valued Functions- to using third-party products such as LINQPad, Entity Developer, Entity Framework Profiler, EFPlus, and AutoMapper. Y

ou'll also appreciate excerpts of conceptual software architecture discussion around Entity Framework Core that might otherwise take years to learn.What You'll LearnUnderstand the core concepts of Entity Framework Core, as well process models for existing databases (reverse engineering) and the gene

ration of database schemas from object models (forward engineering)Study real-world case studies for hands-on EF Core instructionGet up to speed with valuable database access scenarios and code samplesDiscover workarounds to augment missing features in Entity Framework CoreUse Entity Framework Core

to write mobile appsBonus online appendix covers Entity Framework Core 2.1 release updatesWho This Book Is ForSoftware developers who have basic experience with .NET and C#, as well as some understanding of relational databases. Knowledge of predecessor technologies such as ADO.NET and the classic A

DO.NET Entity Framework is not necessary to learn from this book. Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg is a .NET MVP with more than 20 years of experience as a developer and trainer. He is currently a technical lead with the German company IT-Visions, where he consults and trains at companies throughout Eur

ope. He also serves as a software architect for 5Minds IT-Solutions. Holger is a huge fan of Entity Framework and Entity Framework Core and regularly speaks about both. He has used EF in projects of all sizes, most recently, on a big data project containing billions of records. He is a prolific writ

er, having published more than 65 books and 1,000 technical articles in well-known IT professional and developer journals, including MSDN. He has presented at events such as TechEd Europe, Microsoft IT Forum, Advanced Developer Conference, Microsoft Launch, MSDN Technical Summit, and others. Holger

has a Ph.D. in business informatics.


為了解決SQL WHERE IN (SELECT的問題,作者王薇珊 這樣論述:

運營和維護(Operation and Maintenance, O&M)階段是設施生命週期中最長的階段,在此期間,設施維護管理 (Facility Maintenance Management, FMM)人員開展活動以提供舒適的生活和工作環境,並維護設備以防止功能故障。依據研究統計,FMM成本的三分之二是耗損於低效率。因此,如何提高FMM的效率已成為建築、工程、施工和運營 (Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operations, AECO) 行業的一個熱門和重要研究課題。傳統方法中FMM人員攜帶施工圖紙到現場,並需要花費大量精力去尋找

正確的圖紙以獲得所需的信息。因此,許多電腦化系統已經被開發出來,以提高FMM人員活動的效率。近年來,新興的擴增實境 (augmented reality, AR)通過將虛擬信息與實體世界相結合,在促進FMM活動方面展現潛力,率續有研究應用AR於FMM,提高FMM的效率。然而這些研究有其優點,卻也有以下局限性: (1) 在現場維護過程中,FMM人員有時需要向辦公室的另一位管理人員口頭描述現場情況,或訪問存儲設施信息的地點。管理人員之間的遠程溝通和與信息存儲地點的距離往往會阻礙有效的溝通或信息檢索,或者兩者都有。在大型數據庫中尋找與某一特定設施管理問題相關的信息也是一種挑戰。 (2) 儘管一些研究

提供了設備系統或設備部件的維護時間表,但維護工作單的時間表不夠具體,無法決定哪個具體部件應比其他部件更優先考慮。本研究在將Revit模型導入Unity軟件的同時,將設備製造等非幾何數據導入Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Ms-SQL) 數據庫,並提出了一個Unity AR應用程序,供住戶向FMM人員發送請求,以及FMM人員管理他們的請求並儘快解決請求:(1) 允許FMM人員立即搜索故障設備的信息,(2) 進行初步檢查並確定故障設施的位置,並提供故障設施的元素/設備信息。(3)允許FMM人員設定維修順序的優先級(報告時間、嚴重程度等)。